''Love you, Hugo.'' 

I could feel his reply show in my shoulder. 

''Love you too.''

He pulled away and I kissed his forehead, He walked away sadly as Joel approached me. ''Me smart about this, kid. You better know what you're doing, you are going into a very dangerous place...Be careful who you trust. And don't worry, I got Hugo covered. Don't mess up, I don't wanna be stuck with the kid forever.'' He grinned, I gave him a nervous chuckle. ''Thanks, Joel.'' Joel nodded and pat my shoulder, Ellie stared at him and walked over to me, I blushed. 

''Don't mess it up, Amicia. Please be careful...And don't bring back a bitch into our terms, I am neaurtul with new comers.'' Ellie joked, She fidgeted with her hands. ''I am gonna fucking miss you, Amicia. Don't you damn mess this up, I need you. Joel kinda needs you..'' We laughed, she looked at up me. ''Hugo needs you. Okay?'' I sniffled and nodded, we shared a tight hug. ''Good luck, amazon badass princess!'' She joked, walking backwards with her hand sp in the air, I laughed. ''Thanks...Take care of Hugo, okay?'' I replied back, She nodded sympathetically. I watched as she got on the horse with Joel, both waited for Hugo. But Hugo walked up to me, I began to cry. 

''I love you, again. Please be back soon.'' He said to me, I cried and picked him up. ''I love you too, Hugo. So much...Never ever forget that.'' I replied, I put him down and he wiped the tears from his eyes, then walked to the horse as I walked closer to the creek. I watched as Ellie helped Hugo up and put him in front of her, she held onto him tightly. I sniffled and looked at them one more time. 

Hugo looked back at me, He and Ellie waved to me. 

I chuckled with tears and waved back, Ellie put her middle finger in the air to the town. 

''AMICIA IS COMING FOR YOU BITCHES! WHOOO! YEAH! GO AMICIA! WHOO!'' She yelled happily, I sniffled and watched as they rode away.  I looked at Hugo's necklace I wore. I sniffled and cried, I  then got myslef together and mad emy way into the cold creek water. 

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