No more Perfect Record

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It was now Sunday night. Giulia still felt horrible. Mom said to ride it out. Periods are a natural thing.

Naturally a pain in my ass.

Giulia was in bed, clenching her stomach. She was lucky that she didn't have to roll onto her stomach to feel comfortable- stories she heard from other girls at school who got massive cramps in their backs freaked her out. Giulia could hear Luca in the room next to hers. He had already started to pack, the floorboard creaking as he shuffled around. Giulia could have swore she heard him squeal.

"I'm excited to go back too," She whispered to herself,

Not only did she get to see the ocean and Alberto, but she would get to see her dad. And as much as she hated to say it, she knew she preferred her dad over her mom. She figured that was probably normal for kids like her- kids that had separated parents- so she didn't feel that guilty about it. Besides, dad always sympathized with her when it was her monthly. Dad always sympathized more in general. He always got her a warm heating pad- or cloth- whatever he had available, but he tried. Whenever Giulia was here, she felt like her mom got annoyed when making an effort.

Giulia furrowed her brows at that thought. Her dad was always trying but it always felt like mom was so distant even though Giulia had spent the majority of her life with her.

If they were together, they usually did things the mom wanted to do- like painting. It wasn't that Giulia didn't like painting or art- but she would rather stay in her room and read.

In all honesty what she would most like to do is ride her bike and play outside but it was too crowded in Genova for that. Too many people and her mom worrying about her getting in an accident.

Genova heard a knock at her door.

"Come in, Luca."

He opened the door, surprised, "How did you know it was me?" He asked, looking kind of worried.

"Because you didn't just barge in."

"Oh. Well, I was wondering... do you know why Portorosso doesn't have a school?"

"Uhh... I guess money-wise, there isn't funding or anything. Plus, that whole area specializes in trading and skills like fishing. So I guess it doesn't really need a school."

"I kind of... I kind of want to be a teacher." Luca admitted,

"Well- uhh- actually I could see that." Giulia said, "You like learning a lot."

"I want to open a school in Portorosso."

Giulia laughed, "You'll need a lot of money for that. You'll need to get a job and we can't exactly work yet."

"What? Why not?"

"Child labor laws."

Luca sighed, eyeing Giulia's room. She had not started packing yet, but it wasn't like she needed to pack everything- since she lived here. One object in particular caught his eye.

"Is that Athena's sweater?" He pointed to the cloth that sat in Giulia's chair that sat in between her desk and bed.

"Yep. I'm giving it back tomorrow."

"And you're going to talk to her-"

"Luca, it's," Giulia could feel herself getting agitated, "Luca it's very complicated. Like sea monster in a human town complicated."

"What's so complicated about talking to someone? You just open your mouth and say what's on your mind."

"Why do you sound like Alberto?" Giulia half joked,

Letters to the Sea | Luca x Alberto and Giulia x OCs | Chaos and Free AdviceWhere stories live. Discover now