The Second Set of Letters and the Man on the Island

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Alberto will be receiving letters from three people. Luca, Giulia and Giulia's mom.


I didn't really know how to write this. I'm really annoyed at myself and I feel like a horrible friend. Luca told me that since I didn't know, there's nothing to forgive but isn't that a problem? That I didn't know? I don't want this letter to be about how I feel though. It's not cool of me to complain about my own ignorance and the lack of compassion I probably showed Luca.

So in other news, I have to tell you about Ercole's cousin. She's this girl who is in my gym class who is basically Ercole but not a physical bully. She really likes to mess with your head if that makes any sense. Her friends though- seem to actually be her friends. She has two girls- Stella and Maria who honestly act just like her.

By the way- I should have said this earlier- her name is Athena. She is not from Italy but her parents moved here from Greece. Her and I actually used to be pretty okay. Sure she would pick on me from time to time but maybe this is my karma for not noticing Luca? And I am writing about myself! So classy.

By the way, school will be ending in a little over 2 months. Also, you're going to hate me for this- but I found Luca in the classroom on the day of the dance. At first, I was annoyed that you lied but began to realize it was because of Andrea.

Oh! You'll love this! Andrea has been suspended. Luca was not the only boy who was harrassed and bullied.

Though, I wonder if Andrea would even be punished if it wasn't for that he gave a swirlie to prime ministers kid who had come here abroad. I wish Dad and you had a TV because it's been all over the news.

Well, this letter is plenty long, remember that you can register for school next semester if you want but no pressure.


That's awesome that Andrea is out of the picture! Don't feel too bad. My Luca one day is going to be hard as nails and nothing will bother him. Also, I am so happy school is ending soon. I know you two love it but I can't wait for us to have fun this summer.

I've made a list of things we can do. Number one - we need to upgrade your hideout! Maybe make it like a loft, that way the rain won't damage the wood too much. It'll be like a half roof situation.
Number two (This is from dad) - we need to learn how to make sauce! At least 3 kinds.

I had a main list of things to do but I misplaced it and can't find it but at least I remembered two things.

This in no way means to come across as mean or sarcastic. Please take care of Luca until the end of school. You don't have to watch him like a hawk, but if ever starts acting weird again, write me about it.


You've helped me so much. There is literally no way I'm going to be able to repay you. Like I got to go to school because you showed me the surface. Now I don't have to worry about Andrea and its thanks to you. And also that Prime Ministers kid, I guess.

Are we a thing now? Like boyfriends? I would like to be.

Also, I think Giulia suspects us. For now, I've kept my mouth shut about it. I'm not embarrassed but it's nice that we're able to just be us without having to worry. A part of me wonders if we'd have to change our behavior around each other once everyone knows we like each other.

Have you told Massimo?

I still have the flowers you gave me from the dance. They're kind of sitting in this tin with water but I think they're starting to die. I really loved them.

Once again, thank you for making me feel better at the dance. I wish I just told you immediately what was happening. Then we probably could have had more time together.

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