A Quiet Punching Bag

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No letters in this chapter.

Alberto gently guided Luca into the room where the music was coming from. Some Italian pop was playing and when Alberto recognized the song, he hollered in excitement. He took out the tie from his pocket and mimicked a lasso above his head.

"Heh," Luca swayed back and forth, bending his knees gently to the beat and waving his hands side to side.

"I know Giulia's new boyfriend is a bit touchy but I think Giulia can handle herself." Alberto reassured,

"Right," Luca quickly answered,

"So are you going to tell me who has been bullying you?" Alberto casually asked,

Luca's eyes widened at Alberto's forward question but he quickly shook his head no and stared at the floor, still dancing awkwardly.

"Well," Alberto shrugged, "I didn't think it would ever come to this, but you leave me no choice. Hey everybody!" Alberto yelled,

Lucas eyes widened as Alberto sprinted toward some bottled water. Before Luca could protest to what Alberto was obviously going to do, Alberto stood up on a table, untwisted a cap, sprayed it upward and let the water fall on himself.

Everyone in the room froze and everyone was silent.

"That's right." Alberto said proudly, "I am a sea monster. And guess what-" He jumped down and put an arm around Luca.

"Uhh-" Luca muttered in shock.

"This guy right here, Luca- you know him, you love him- is my best friend. So if any of you have been anything less than courteous to him, you'll have to deal with this."

He flicked his tie like a wet towel in a shower room.

"That's Alberto!" Someone exclaimed,

"Cool! It's Alberto!" Someone else cheered,

"Wait. Why aren't they afraid of me?" Alberto asked Luca,

"Well they know about me so they kind of had to know about you." Luca explained,

"Huh," Alberto shrugged, "Never thought I'd miss people being intimidated my us. Still, I'm going to find out who your bully is."

"Can we please not talk about it?" Luca asked, clearly upset.

"Sure, buddy. Whatever you want." Alberto said, trying not push Luca. He was going to find out and hopefully it would be tonight before he had to go back on the train.

The next song that played was a slow song. Luca and Alberto were very comfortable with holding each other, Luca's head tucked underneath Alberto's.

But Alberto was extremely distracted with this problem. Someone was picking on Luca- his best friend. Yet Luca wanted to stay quiet. Why? Was Luca being threatened? Was the bully even a student? What if it was a teacher?

"Your heart is beating really fast." Luca notified Alberto in concern, taking himself out of the embrace to get a better look at his friend.

"Yeah. It does that sometimes." Alberto quickly joked,

"Alberto! Luca!" They were greeted by a familiar voice. It was Giulia's date, Andrea.

"You two need to be careful." He said, "A lot of the students accept your kind but some, you know," He looked at Luca.

Luca looked to the side in embarrassment before excusing himself to get some punch.

"Do you have an idea who it might be?" Alberto asked Andrea.

Letters to the Sea | Luca x Alberto and Giulia x OCs | Chaos and Free AdviceWhere stories live. Discover now