Chapter 1

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I wake up gasping for air in a cold sweat. I look around the bedroom I was in and sigh in relief when I realize it's my own. I prop myself on my elbows, running a hand through my blonde, sweat soaked hair until I hear running footsteps.

The door is ripped open and my mother stands in the doorway, worry covering her pale face.

“Are you okay, sweetie? I heard your screaming from upstairs” She worries running down further into the basement and jumping to sit on the edge of the bed.

“I'm fine, Mum, don't worry about it” I smile weakly and she wraps her skinny arms around me and I push closer into her embrace.

“You sure?” She asks and I nod

“I'll be fine, go back upstairs” I smile and she looks at me, debating whether she should leave and she sighs in defeat and worry before getting to her feet and walking up the stairs.

“Call me is you need anything” She smiles before closing the basement door.

I sigh and lay back down. My name is Samuel Cleaves, or Sammy if I like you, I am a 15 year old boy from Belfast and I have Coronary Heart Disease. The side affects to the pills I take means I have nightmares and night terrors. It sucks ass most of the time, but I am starting to get used to them, the nightmares won't get worse.

Well, that's what I tell myself so I get back to sleep.

And I can say that I'm a liar.


I was stood with my best friend, Ryan, on the school field after school. Ryan had the camcorder in his hands and was fiddling with the view-finder. I shift from one foot to another and start to wring my hands.

“Stop that” Ryan snaps, looking up at me. I let my hands fall to my sides and I look at my worn converse.

That asshole there is my best friend, Ryan Fowler. He's the douche-ist person I know but I love him really, he moved to Ireland last year from England with his father and sister, who for one, I know nothing about. His brown, straightened hair is falling in his eyes and he fiddles with the camera and he is wearing a Panic! At the Disco shirt and skinny jeans that are obviously cutting off the blood circulation to his legs and white converse. His ears are stretched and he has a nose ring and he always wears eyeliner, no matter what.

“Oi” I look up from my converse to see Ryan holding the camera to my face. “Action!”

“Is it on?” I ask.

“Yes, go!” Ryan orders and I smile into the lens.

“Hi, I'm Sammy Cleaves” I wave at the lens. “And I'm going to record my life from now on” I smile slightly.

“Why, Sammy? Tell them why!” Ryan orders and I roll my eyes.

“I was about to get to that, Ry” He rolls his eyes. “I'm recording my life because-” I take a deep breath. “-I've been diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease”

“Which means..?” Ryan pushes and I sigh.

“I get Angina and heart attacks and I'll die soon, happy?” I snap and Ryan glares at me.

“Cut!” He shouts, snapping the view-finder into the camera. “Sam, cut the sass” He smiles.

“Whatever” I mutter and kick the grass in protest. “I'm done with this, we'll start tomorrow” I say and walk past him.

“Nonononono” Ryan rushes grabbing my forearm and taking it into his lanky hands. “You're not ditching me again”

“No, I need to get home, my moms expecting me”

“JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE TERMINALLY ILL DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN BE AN ASS!” He shouts and I flip him off and I walk out of the school gates. That's what I love about Ryan, he doesn't care that I might die, as long as he gets to treat me like shit.

A/N: Hello, it is Chloe :) I know this is short but the chapters will be longer once I know where this is properly going :) -Chlowayy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2015 ⏰

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