Part II: Chapter Six

Start from the beginning

"You..." Tom struggled to find the right words, "You deserve a lot better than to be with me. You do deserve to get sleep and be comfortable and..." the words failed him, "I just wanted you to know that."

Mia's only response was a knowing nod. Tom turned to Luna.

"Thank you so much," he said, "I can never repay you. You're one of the kindest people I have ever met."
Luna beamed at him, "I am glad I met you both too," she replied, "And also if you ever have money, a purchase of the Quibbler would be appreciated."

Tom nodded and gave a slight exhale of levity. That was the closest he could get to an audible laugh. Turning around he slowly walked out of the house, Mia right by his side. The rain had stopped now but the field was still dark. The only light came from the beautiful milky hue of the moon which shone beautifully over the wheatfield. For a while Tom and Mia walked in silence through it, until eventually Mia decided again to speak.

"I'm sorry."
Tom was taken aback but he kept walking, "Why would you ever be sorry?"

"For..." Mia looked down shamefully, "Well... you never wanted to meet me... and then you're forced to look after me. I slow you down and cause trouble and inconvenience... you took all those risks for me and... you only want me to get close to the Young Family."
Tom shook his head, "That's not true," he said simply. Mia looked up shocked.

"B-but! You said!"

"I was lying. To myself as well. The reason I took you in is because you're an unprotected little girl and I care for you," Mia honestly had no idea how to respond to that, "You're all alone and you're..." he breathed out slightly, "A good kid. I wasn't lying when I said you deserve way better than to be with me."
"No YOU deserve better than to be with ME!" Mia protested.

"You're wrong," Tom replied as simply as ever.

Mia paused, feeling so fragile as to almost feel inclined to burst into tears even now, "Why?" she let out weakly. Tom stopped. Even he didn't truly know the answer to this. He had his guesses: parental instinct perhaps?
"Back at your home... how did they treat you? How did they treat all of you?"

The question seemed to hit home with Mia. Her eyes slightly widened with fear after being forced to recollect but she persisted. Unable to look Tom in the face, she looked down to the ground and slowly and carefully spoke her piece.

"Our home was what they would call... a farm. They kept us in barns. They used to shock us, whip us, they used to use their magic wands to hurt us. There were many of us. More than just Mama and Papa..."

"What happened to them?"
Mia paused. Tears were now already out, "T-they got k-killed..." she swallowed hard, "I-I s-saw it happen... Papa tried to protect me. They were taking me away..."
"Who did it?"

"They called him... 'Master Young'..." Mia spoke unsurely, "I... I'm sorry," he crumpled into a ball in the ground. Tom put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Mia..." his voice made Mia look up at him, "Mia... that... is why."
Mia tried her best to stop the tears, "I-I don't under-"

"My life... has been shit but looking at you..." Tom thought back to his parents' own letter to him, "I at least deserved it... you don't deserve any of it. You don't deserve it Mia."

Remembering the letter, Tom realised how lucky he'd truly been. His fate was meant to be the same as Mia's. He probably too would've been born into one of these farms. His parents escaped albeit briefly, hiding him, giving him a second chance. They did the most to save him from the horrible horrible fate of all other Malumis'. Why couldn't Mia's parents have been the ones to save their child?

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