Masked singer season 5 1/2 results

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The winner of the first face off is........

The mantis!

The winner of the second face off is.......

The triceratops!

The winner of the third face off is....... The whale!

Now it's time for the bottom 3 of group A

It is the monkey,The Mermaid, and the creeper

The first mask to be safe from the smackdown,is.....

The monkey!

Now it's creeper and mermaid in the smackdown

Creeper your first up now sing!

Creeper sings whip it by devo

Now mermaid

Mermaid sings:take a chance on me by ABBA

Now the winner of the first smackdown is.............


Congrats creeper you are safe from the elimination 

Unfortunately that means that mermaid is eliminated so everyone say it with me. TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF

it's Shirleen Alicott a reporter for GMA(Good morning America)the coffee clue was a reference to good morning America and people usually drink coffeee while watching it

Now the next round

The winner of this face off is.........

The pterodactyl!

The winner of the  next face off is..........

The baby monster!

The winner of the final face off is..........

The stegosaurus!

So that means the Btm3 is pony,hamburger,and Barbie doll

The first mask to be safe from the Smackdown is.......

The pony!

Now the smackdown is Barbie doll vs hamburger

Barbie you go first

Barbie sings:One way or another by Blondie

Hamburger sings:AOK by tai verdes

The winner of this smackdown is....


Sorry Barbie doll but you have been eliminated but we get to see who you are,everyone say it with me TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF TAKE IT OFF!

It's Tina Fey an Actor 

The popcorn clue was a reference to her being in many movies

Thank you for doing the Show

The group A finals will be next,thank you for watching!

Siren heads Masked singer stuff made by a 40 foot tall creature(me)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz