Oneshot#6:Broken bones(Stegosaurus X night angel)

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After a biking accident almost kills stegosaurus,his girlfriend night angel cares for him until he is all better

So our story starts when everyone just got on their bikes and are riding around the neighborhood you know having a good time as usual and everyone is fine, until stegosaurus chooses what way to turn,

Stegosaurus:Which way should we turn

Piglet:I think we should go the right way, because it is the RIGHT WAY to go!


Stegosaurus goes into the street to turn to the right, of course nobody notices the car speeding towards him as he turns to the right the car gets much faster at and faster until.......BAM💥 it hits him the force of the car is so big it makes him fling off and smash into a lamppost, the car drives away like nothing happened(it's unknown who driver is) but unlike the cat who barely took a scratch, stegosaurus took WAY more than just a scratch, he is lying paralyzed with his back towards the lamppost not moving, his bike is just as banged up as he is, of course everyone parks their bikes on a bike rack to see if he's ok, of course everyone is concerned and scared, but the most scared is his dear girlfriend night angel

Night Angel:Stegobaby! Stegobaby!

She then sheds just more than a tear and full on cries while everyone else rushed towards stegosaurus

Stegosaurus is lies with his back towards the lamppost with bleeding cuts and bruises everywhere

Night Angel:Stego, are you alright?

Stegosaurus:I don't know,My body must me numb or something, I have pain everywhere, and I'll try to get up

Stegosaurus tries to stand up but falls over noticing his leg cannot move

Piglet and black swan:Call and ambulance

Robopine:I'll do it

Robopine dials in 9-1-1 and a caller answers:

9-1-1 caller:9-1-1 what's your emergency?

Robopine:One of my friends got hit by a speeding car while biking and now he has been flung into a lamppost and cannot move his leg, please save him!

9-1-1 caller:Ok where are you

Robopine looks to find what street he's on and finds a sign

Robopine:I'm on 5222 Mask street

9-1-1 caller:Don't worry we will be on our way

Robopine:Good news, an ambulance is on its way


Stegosaurus:I think I might have broke my leg,

Black swan:Oh my god your bike is just as banged up as you are Stego!

Stegosaurus:Although my bike might be very very damaged,we should cars more about my health before my bikes


An ambulance pulls up and 3 doctors comes out, one is a wolf, while the other ones are a panther and a squirrel

Doctor panther:Ok get him in let's go

The doctors up Stego on one of those mobile bed things that they put patients in when they are hurt to transport them to the ambulance(you know what I'm talking About, right?) and they put him in the ambulance, and everyone else brings their bikes to the ambulance and they all jump in, night angel crying about what happened to Stego

Night Angel:Stego, are you going to be alright?

Stegosaurus:I,I don't know, I'm not a doctor, let's hope I'm alright, and if I die, I just want to tell you that, I will always love you, even if im not alive,

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