🐝Bee headcannons🐝

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Sorry for the long story break, I had stuff to do so yeah

Requested by@Thatfrostybunnygirl,  here are bee headcannons

Huge Straight ally

Acts like a grandma to all the masks

Helps flower out with her restaurant 

 One of the nicest masks

Wants to help black widow and her gang to be nicer,but black widow refuses 

Always the calmest person in the room and almost never gets mad

If you need help just come see her and she will help you get back on your feet 

Gives relationship advice to younger masks,she even gave advice to stegosaurus when he wanted to tell his feelings to night angel

Expert cook and baker,night angel took her advice on baking and cooking

A teacher and mentor to all masks

She even helps masks that are LGBTQ, seashell is bisexual(with a preference for males)and the first person she told was bee

Friends:Every single mask 

Enemies:Nobody really

She babysits baby alien when astronaut and alien are away

Anyways another head cannon done,request stuff in comments,tide pods are not food, and have a good day👍

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