One shot#5:Show and tell and singing showdown!(Stegosaurus X night angel

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When they enter in a singing competition, our favorite masked couple will sing and show their most prized possession

So our story starts at Night Angel's house and Stego and Night Angel are both bundled up in a blanket watching some tv(cute) and a very interesting commercial comes on that takes both masks interests

Stegosaurus:I love watching tv with you Nightyboo

Night Angel:I know Stegobaby, especially when we are all bundled up like this

Night Angel kisses Stego on the cheek and he of course blushes very hard and then the commericals come on

Fox on Tv:are you bored of your dull dull life, did you go on the main competition and get robbed off the show, and you want to have a second chance, well look no further than the show and tell and singing showdown, premiering live in 3 days 5 mask soloists or groups will sing their heart out and then show their most prized possession then whoever has the best preformance wins. A shiny golden shiny valuable shiny shiny shiny SHINY! Trophy,you can be a in a group of up 2 3 or you can be solo, ok see you guys there,go to and tell and singing to enter

And you get 10,000 dollars if you win aswell, so see ya there!

Night Angel: We should enter

Stegosaurus: I don't know, I'm not that good at singing and I'm nervous

Night Angel:You were nervous to say that you liked me and you were brave and said you did like me and look what you have now, your dream girl, and I have my dream boy

Night Angel:You were nervous to sing at my party and you did and you won, over masked singer legends even the winner and runner up of season 5

Stegosaurus:I really don't want to be against you though

Night Angel:Against me? No, we will be together in the competition, as a team

Stegosaurus:We'll, when we're together we are unstoppable because with your love nobody can drag me down!

Night Angel:But what song should we pick

Stegosaurus:You are the reason by this mythical creature we call a "human" named Calum Scott(You should check it out it is really good and I recommend it) It's our couple song and it's special to us

Night Angel:Sure, it's a great song and it reminds me of you

They both kiss and night angel enters her and stego into the competition

Stegosaurus:What should we bring to show and tell?

Night Angel:Our statue that you made out of real cystals of us holding hands

Stegosaurus:That is definitely our show and tell item

Night Angel:It represents us

The next 2 days pass by and then a news report comes out telling us the competitors in the competition

Stegosaurus:Night Angel look it's on, let's see if we are going to compete

Night Angel:Let's hope so

Night Angel holds stegos hand and very scared to see if they are competing

Fox on Tv:The first mask or masks who are competing is:Popcorn!,The second mask or masks getting entered are:S

The Snow owls! The third mask or masks competing are:Crab! The fourth mask or masks competeing is:The Russian dolls

Stegosaurus is holding night angel tight and is nervous and sweating in fear

Siren heads Masked singer stuff made by a 40 foot tall creature(me)Where stories live. Discover now