Chapter 24: Journey Home

Start from the beginning

"Young Master, wake up. Everyone has already gotten ready," Physician Huang lectured from far away.

I immediately sit up and said, "It's a misunderstanding!"

It took me a second to realize I was back in my room. Somehow I must have awakened and walked back before being discovered. Could I have been so tired that I forgot the walk back?

I didn't put too much thought into it and quickly got ready to leave.

Unable to accept what happened last night, I kept my distance from Li Runze and conversations with the main characters were cut short. I stuck right by Physician Huang to his surprise. I hadn't been the most attentive to him this whole trip, although he'd been assigned to look after me.

"Shouldn't Young Master be riding up at the front with Lord Li?" Physician Huang chided.

"Ah, what's the point? We're almost to the capital of Xi. Nothing much to discuss."

We meet a massive wall surrounding the city. The long path to the gate entrance had people waited on the sides for us to pass. Whispering to one another, they eyed the caravan with curiosity.

Settling at the most elegant inn, Li Runze doesn't rest and went ahead to carry out his usual business with the merchants in the city. I thought I was to tag along and keep up the charade of being an assistant but he'd already left without me. I happily went exploring with Wen Lu and Physician Huang. Liu Ying and Hong Liang disappeared off on their own.

Ha, typical secondary romance angst build up.

Honestly, as a reader Hong Liang wasn't a bad suitor. He was distant but respectful and knew when to step down. He valued his friendship with Li Runze and Liu Ying over his own desires. Being that he was now my cousin, I didn't have that reader mindset to fawn over his one-sided romance. 

Dressed in plain colors, the people of Xi made up for their attire in colorful accessories. Strands of beads decorated their hair, hats and jewelry. Liu Ying stood out the most amongst her people. It was just her bad luck to be created as the unfavored 7th princess. Well, that was partly the writer's intentions, to build an enjoyable story of an underdog main character. 

The second group actually surpassed us and arrived first. Luckily, the rest of the team need not make the travel to the palace. Li Runze met up with the envoys before leaving to carry out his own business.

Unexpectedly we ran into Liu Ying and her two romantic interests. They were deep in conversation with another group from the second set of caravan. One of the more visually appealing man looked familiar. 

"It's him?!" I gasped. 

"Who?" Wen Lu peered over, not knowing who I was referring to. 

It was the man I saved from the falling lantern during the festival! Who looked exactly like the insufferable Guang Hong! 

"Hey!" He called out to us. Liu Ying and Li Runze looked over. I could see Li Runze's gaze turn dark. There was another addition to the amount of people I wanted to avoid. 

"Wen Lu, let's go back." I pulled her around and started walking. She was confused but followed along.

"Wait, Young Master!" He ran faster to catch up with us. His hair was tied back with long strands flowing behind. He seemed to have adopted a bit of the fashion of Xi while his silky robes were an azure shine. 

"What is it?" I asked as he positioned himself in front of us.

"Didn't we meet each other at the Lantern Festival?" I watched a smile appear on his face. The very face that I had envisioned hundreds of times before in my dreams. The face that sternly rejected my feelings. Nevertheless, I knew that this man wasn't Guang Hong. He didn't know anything about a world outside of this one. 

"Perhaps," I answered. 

"So you're the notorious Young Lord who terrorizes capital city? It's nice to finally meet your acquittance!"

 What kind of greeting is that? Well, it is Hong Liumeng's reputation, I can't deny that's what he's known for. Although this guy seemed to be rather happy to have crossed my path and even approached me. 


"My name is Hua Qing. Unfortunately, we didn't meet before your departure. I've worked with Li Runze on numerous business ventures. I'm a merchant myself."

Hua Qing? He was barely in the novel. I believe he was mentioned in passing as another man who developed a crush on Liu Ying. 

"Ah, I see. Well, I won't keep you then." About to go pass, he stepped to the side to block my path.

"I was just going to see if you'd join us for dinner? The elegant Caodi restaurant here is quite good. If you're not used to the food here, I'd recommend Caodi restaurant."

"We're fine."

Wen Lu tugged my arm. "Young Master, we should join them."

I sighed. Wen Lu was so troublesome at times. Most of the time a loyal ally but also a young girl who wanted to play. I'd have to make it clear to her that I didn't want to be around the main characters in terms she'd understand. However, I couldn't cut her off from being with friends. 

"Wen Lu, you join them, okay? I'm heading back to the inn." I pressed down on her hand before letting go. Without another word, I was able to finally escape the man who kept holding us back. He struggled to speak, stuttering as I went by. 

Back in my room, there wasn't much to do. At the window, I watched the sunset and observed the civilians of Xi below.  

By now the 2 main characters will have a deeper bond and their attraction to one another will be obvious. Li Runze will take the lead and make his feelings clear as Liu Ying is on the shy side. It will be awhile until Liu Ying's identity will be revealed. 

Once the wedding to Hong Cheng falls apart due to Hong Liumeng's kidnapping, Liu Ying will be saved by Li Runze. Hong Cheng will advocate for Liu Ying to be released from the political marriage, thus announcing her as missing. Hong Liumeng would be stripped of his title and sent to the border as a disgraced royal. But he received a light punishment if you ask me.

Probably due to his status, he wasn't executed but was exiled.

I don't want that to happen to me! I'm an innocent reader who was forced to be involved. I'm not even 1% of that scoundrel Hong Liumeng.

Maybe it will benefit me to undo his years of terrorism...

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