The C-class Boyfriend

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It was a cold weekend morning, and just like most days, you were up before her, standing over a sizzling frying pan, making pancakes. Looking out the kitchen window, you see the grey clouds filling the sky. They spat tiny snowflakes that settled gently on the ground. You always preferred the cold weather. The cold was soothing. You could walk in this weather with nothing more than some jeans and a hoodie. Your girlfriend, however, needs to be wrapped up in a ball of thick clothes before she even steps outside.

Your house was in a remote area of the city. It prevented reporters from hounding Tatsumaki about the Hero Association and keeping your relationship from becoming too well known. Not that it's an issue since she could flatten them with a single thought, but she's more worried about her 'dumb boyfriend' getting hounded by them. She forgets you're also a capable hero if only a C class. You look down at your body. You were wearing a tight-fitting shirt that hugged your small but growing belly. You really needed to get back in shape.

You suddenly smelt something burning. Looking down at the pan, you saw it was completely engulfed in fire. "Oh Shit!" you quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and doused the pan.

Once the fire was out, you plated up the rest of the food before grabbing the tray and placing a few extra things on it. You, of course, made sure the pancakes were served with a bit of melting butter, a cup of hot coffee and, of course, her favourite orange syrup. You don't know why she liked that since it tastes awful to you, but you'll need everything you can to wake the Demon from its pit.

You arrived home late last night after a particularly heated fight with a monster. You were hurt with some scratches and bruises, but nothing serious. Still, T wasn't too happy about it, criticising you for your lateness. You washed up and spent the rest of the night cuddling and apologising for making her worry.

You won't say it's been an easy relationship, far from it, The press and the public are two significant issues you face. If word got out that the S-class hero, The Tornado of Terror, was dating an unknown C-class, not only would the press be constantly on your ass, but you would be a prime target for monsters looking to get to T.

That's why you and T decided to keep it under wraps. Of course, the Association knew about the relationship, and you've met some other S-classes. Of course, over the years, there have been rumours that the Tornado of Terror was dating someone most people assumed would be another S-class like King or Blast, someone with a lot of rep and power.

You stopped outside your bedroom door and gently opened it, allowing the light from the hallway to pour in, letting you see the outline of what looks like a woman sprawled over the bed. Her tiny body covered with a T-shirt that is far too big for her, it hangs loosely off her shoulder and covers just below her large rump. A trail of drool runs out of her mouth onto the pillow forming a small wet patch on the cover.

 A trail of drool runs out of her mouth onto the pillow forming a small wet patch on the cover

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True beauty.

Her arms were wrapped around your pillow, holding it tightly as a small wet patch formed on the pillow cover; she would always fall asleep while using you as a human heater. It was never a question if you wanted to cuddle. You will cuddle, and you will enjoy it. She went so far as to use her powers to lift you up and tuck you into bed next to her, regardless of what you were doing.

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