♔ xxiii. "Again."

Start from the beginning


And when their eyes locked, all she felt was relief. Her shoulders fell, her lungs relaxed as if she had learned to breathe again. Her eyes softened the moment he saw his looking her way. Salvation, is what it felt like. Then and there, her legs gave out as if all it took was just a glance for the storm insider her to calm. Seulgi was barely holding on to her consciousness as she felt too weak from the fever. And just when she thought that maybe she needed to let go of herself, he burst inside the infirmary, breathless.


And just from that, she burst in tears. Her cries echoing in the small room with just the two of them. She cried as if cleaning her inner clutter of emotions. Jimin slowly walked towards her as she let everything out of her chest, kneeling in front of the girl, he wiped her flowing tears.

"It's okay. Let it out." Like a child, she let her tears fall.

"I− I'm sorry... P−please don't ignore me anymore." Seulgi cried through her tears, her hands clutched on his shirt, holding on as if it was her life line and it pained him to watch her so vulnerable. With her pleading eyes, she looked up at him. "I− I want to hold your hands. I w−want to walk beside you. I− I want to look into your eyes. I..."

"I want to... I want to see your smile and hear you call my name..." Her cries were of the desperate in pain that keeps on slicing deeper. "I'm sorry... Please don't be mad at me anymore."

"shit." Jimin muttered under his breath and pulled her to his chest, tightly enveloping her small figure in his arms. It was as if he was holding onto something fragile, careful like he could break her with one wrong move. He cradled her in his arms so protectively, burying her farther to him.

"I was never mad at you, please remember that." He whispered in the air, words that only the two of them could hear. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Seulgi-ah." He continued as he showered her with butterfly kisses on her tear-stricken face. The gentle touches all over her face slowly calmed the girl.

"You weren't mad?" She asked, through hiccups and he shook his head in response.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. For forcing a distance between us without your consent. I just thought that... I thought you'd be able to think through your feelings better without me around. I was scared you'd feel forced to feel the same as I do just because you found out that..." Jimin paused and sighed.

"-that I love you." Hearing those words coming from his lips once again, she realized it had been different from then and now. The first time she heard it, all she felt was confusion and distraught. Hearing it once again, a wave of relief washed over her. The storm has passed, she thought.

Despite her weakness, she reached out for his face. "Again." She said.

"Eh?" His eyes bewildered for a second before he realized what she meant.

And there it was; his smile. His smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. Seulgi could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. A person smiles with more than their mouth, and she heard it in his voice, in the choice of his words and the way he relaxed. It was beautiful.

"I love you, Seulgi."

In his eyes was warmth, ever a sparkle in their loving-black. As such he was the perfect companion, the perfect hand to hold. Slowly, she shut her eyes, a gentle smile across her face, Seulgi leaned in his embrace, her face nuzzled on his neck, and her breath brushed his skin as she replied back.

"I love you too, Jimin."

His smile was the sunshine and the birdsong; it was the silencing of the clocks, both the cage and the ever open door. And in his sweet smile was all the love she'll ever need.


Hello beautiful humans! I have no excuse for my lack of update aside  from life changes and motivation. But seeing as new readers are actually picking up this simple story of mine, I figured I should really update soon.

Thank you very much for your continuous support. Here we are already at this point in their relationship. I hope you keep supporting this book as much as you support Seulmin. Because of Covid, interactions have been scarce so I hope this book makes up for it.

Thank you for the 41k readers and 2k votes. I appreciate it so much! I hope you'll show love for this chapter as well.

Everyone, please take care! Stay safe and healthy.


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