Chapter 7: Final Stretch Part 2

Start from the beginning

Running around this place for a second time was just as confusing as the first time I went through. I don't even remember going through this place, did I take another path? Before I could continue running like a chicken with its head cut off, London stopped me with his eyes darting from the ceiling and a door. If I'm right, it just leads into a plain hotel room.... fuck, I went down a hole in one of these hotel rooms back there. I already messed up. 

"Wait, what's behind this?" He said as I, annoyed, slammed the door open. 

"It's a fucking normal room. God, what does it matter?" I said in response to his stupid question but he just simply continued while walking inside.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to ask. Also, the window here isn't boarded up and there's no way we can find our way around inside this house." 

"What are you trying to get at?" I yipped at him as London walked to the window, pondering to himself before sending one of his spider leg things through it. The glass flew out with him looking at me with a ginger look on his face. 

"Why can't we just climb. I doubt we can go that far since we'll have to climb with our eyes closed." London spoke with a snarky attitude which only angered me further. 

"What the hell are you going on about closing our eyes? Okay, I didn't think about climbing on the outside, I'll give you that but what do you mean?" As I walked over to London, a sinister smile grew on his face. Then it occurred to me exactly how he was going to show me, trying to jump back but it was too late. I was already pushed outside of the window with London grabbing both of my wrists. 

"Now what do you see?" he said as I began to curse him out. Like seriously, who does that and throws another person outside a goddamn window. 

He just simply reinstated his question, "Hey Grif, I think that Bulb's is inching closer so, please. What do you see?" 

Anger fueled my response as I looked at him straight in the eye, "Nothing dumbass, a roof. Is that good enough for you?" 

"Well, that works. Now look straight forward at the wall." He said in such a matter-of-fact way. I was left confused, having to speak up to try and understand. 

"What?" Nothing else came to my mind on what to say except for that single word, but he was adamant about not explaining. 

"Just humor me." London spoke with his eyes nervously looking at the door to the room. If I didn't do anything, then Bulb's would find us and it would be harder to fight in that hotel room. I just had to trust London on this, looking stupidly at the wall only to see the house seemingly grow from the side of my view. I... I could see maybe another floor or two above us but when I looked up, it was just the tiled roof. 

"The hell? It... What does this change? We already knew this?" I said with my mind not really wrapping around this strange fucking house. 

"You see, Grif. Well, here comes the hard part. We know that it only looks like that when we're not looking at it or in the very least not directly so,"

"Wait, you want to climb this with our eyes closed? Are you stupid?" I said before he could even finish. 

 London responding with a quick, "Yes". He seemed happy for a few seconds before his face scrunched up in thought. He's probably thinking about which one he just responded to but who cares. What matters is how I'm going to climb this building; it might be easy for London with his six spider legs slowly crawling up with each one just jabbing into the wall with ease, but me. I only have a single hand that looks like a fucking cat paw and the rest are just normal. There's no way I can climb it easily, and just then I had a horrible idea. 

"Pull me back in." I said with London smiling like he won a prize or something before actually letting my arms clasp the edge of the window. From there, it was easy enough to just pull myself up, telling London what I wanted to do and hoping for it to work. Hell, it's not like we had any other way to do it.


I had to admit, it's a crazy idea, even for someone like me. At the very least, I wasn't the one who would be taking the risk. Slowly and as smoothly as possible, I knocked out the rest of the glass in the window and stood on the ledge. This is where I hope for the best, closing my eyes, turning around, and thinking about moving my splinters. One by one, they began to wander to how I imagined it, feeling the outside of the house with the run-down walls. Well, it's once again my time to shine, feeling each one stabbing into the wall before moving about like one of those beetles you might find under your house. No, wait, actually one of those birds that move back and forth before finally taking a step forward like some kind of weird dance, I definitely looked like one of those. My upper splinters were moving me while also feeling for the next window. Seconds ticking by, my stress increasing as I could also feel the vibration of that behemoth running through the halls. Somehow, he always knew where I was in the house, no matter where I hid. Oooh, I don't want to think about how scared I was. I just have to thank a God from whatever religion for helping me survive. Finally, I felt the ting of a window above me with my upper left splinter. I cautiously pulled it back, trying to make sure that I didn't miss as I launched it forward, hearing the shatter of the glass. 

Good, well, it's now time for the next part, immediately hearing Grif from below say "Was that it?" 

Of course, hearing their voice scared me as I quickly blurted out, "I beg of you, don't look." Just a single careless glance and I would probably be free-falling to my death.

"Hell, London, now hang down one of those... things." They said as I just had to correct them before letting one of the lower splinters hang loose, turning my body so that it could reach as far down as possible. 

"I'm calling them Splinters because they look like those small pieces of wood that get stuck in your skin." I didn't need my hands pressed against the wall to feel the vibrations of Bulb's getting closer anymore as I could hear him... his horrible gurgling. I mean, just throw up, clear your throat, or take a lozenge already. If he was this close, then he's just outside the door though. I was so focused on the sounds he was making, that I was startled when Grif swung onto the passive splinter. Everything was happening at once as I heard the door burst open with pieces flying everywhere and just as quickly, the sound of him charging forward. He's moving toward the window. Grif also began yelling for me to pull them up as I pushed all of my splinters back, sending me just below the other window. With the momentum, I yanked the splinter that Grif was hanging onto forward, feeling Grif also pushing off of it. I couldn't really focus as Bulb's gurgling became more rapid and deep... oh, I'm going to die. 

Grif crashed through the glass and just before Bulb's could unleash his stream of puke, I was pulled inside with my splinters helping to move my weight forward. As I hit the ground, the first thing I immediately did was open my eyes, seeing the outside natural colour of light green. It wasn't the grass though, making me want to throw up as well just looking at it. I would say that it's just a normal thing the human body can do but that... that must be impossible, just to launch that bile stuff. 

"Wait, I've been here." Grif said as I looked over to see them running down the hall, only to turn left before making it to the end and smiling. 

Well, it must be a good thing in the very least as I said, "Um, may I ask? Where is here?" There was no response from Grif as I just remained on the ground. My entire body felt like it was on fire and if I did wake up, I can't imagine how I would actually feel right now.

"By the way, why shouldn't we just do the same thing we just did over and over again?" Grif said as I weakly looked at them. 

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