Chapter 3: You've Changed Part 2

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"Hey fucking bastard, hurry and get me another or else you'll fucking regret it." I couldn't see who said it, but I knew that the threat wasn't just to intimidate. Somehow, I just knew that it wasn't at least. Another bottle could come at any second, quickly making my way toward the other doorway in front of me before coming to an abrupt stop. The feeling of immense fear crawled up my skin as my forehead began to sting, a headache only hurting the front part of my head. 

Why do I feel like this? Why can't I move forward into the other room? Suddenly, a splinter on my right shot up before another bottle collided with it, sending shards of glass across the room. Luckily, none of the pieces cut me but I had to get out of here, turning around and bolting toward the open door. One by one, the number of bottles being thrown increased as I barely managed to jump outside as one of the bottles crashed right behind me. 

Though the grass was coarse and hard to land on, I still found comfort in it as the door slammed shut, chains covered with rust and dark plaque growing around it. At least I was outside now, but something was different. Large opaque black figures stood surrounding the house with some distance between each one. Their shadowy bodies made them seem like trees in the middle of the night, looming thirty feet tall in the air and smiling with a callous mouth. 

Their eyes were beady and black like the rest of the body with a white light slightly coming out from within. They were everywhere too, with most of them floating in the air as the island I was on didn't seem to reach far enough for them to stand on. After what just happened, I'll take this over whatever I felt inside that house, raising my head and eyeing the closest one but they weren't all. They just stood there in the distance and watching me, almost as if they were sneering at me on the ground, thinking less of me. I just couldn't stand it, feeling resentment build in my body until I saw something else.

Another figure was jumping across the shadowy creatures, somehow slicing them up before moving on to their next target. The creatures seemed agitated at this.... other figure, and some of them turned towards this unknown threat to attack. With their hands raised, black tendrils or ropes of some kind shot out from their palm toward this spry figure, but it was fruitless as this mysterious figure twisted in the air to dodge the nearest shot before running up toward the neck of the creature. 

It was amazing to watch as this person moved seamlessly, taking them out while also being quick about it. Their speed was, well, it was fast enough that I lost track of them a few times. The only thing I could be grateful for was that we shared a common enemy, at least I think we did. I hope we did. They had a dark purple kimono that reached to the base of their feet and black tights with what I could only assume as ornate wooden shoes that you would see in the Eastern Hemisphere. 

That isn't what caught my eye though, as they wore a wolf mask, or maybe it was of another animal like a Jackal or fox. I couldn't tell because of how fast they were, but I couldn't see a weapon. Instead, there seemed to be something wrong or different about their left arm. As I stood in awe, they slowly drew closer before abruptly stopping, our eyes meeting. I didn't move a muscle, instead just staring at them as I suddenly got a bad feeling for what was to come. I immediately got up and waited for them to do something, cautious about raising my fists or running away as that would make me a target.

Then they did it, launching off the nearest shadowy figure with an insane speed toward me like a bullet. Even though the creature was almost half a football field away, they were already only a few feet away. I didn't have the time to react to something like that as luckily, my splinters pulled forward in front of me to create a barrier between us. The force wasn't that terrifying though, seeing them shifting in the air. 

How is that even possible, it shouldn't be? Their foot landed on the shield of splinters and used it to push themselves away to a safe distance, now knowing about these things on my back. With them finally stopping though, I could see what was really on their left arm. It was generally normal and skinny but below the elbow was something different, changing into what looked like a fox's paw with bright red fur and claws that could tear out my throat. 

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