Mingi simply shakes his head "I want to go with you guys, I'm ok I promise" he knows how it feels to be trapped in that room, and he wants to help save Wooyoung too. He can handle it.

They get into Jongho's car who starts driving straight away, no GPS needed. Yeosang is grateful the pair share the same urgency as him, he just wants Wooyoung back. Mingi sits in the back seat next to him, giving him comforting words.

He appreciates it, but he cant help worry and think what if they're going to the wrong place, wasting precious time. "How long does it take to get there?"

"An hour or so" Yeosang bounces his leg nervously, praying that Wooyoung is indeed where they're going. One more hour Wooyoung, we're coming, please wait for us. He tries looking out the window to calm himself but his heart is about to burst, not to mention his massive headache and rumbling stomach.

He knows his eye bags look terrible right now because Mingi looks at him sadly, tapping his shoulder for him to lean on. "Try get some rest Yeosang, even if its a half an hour nap. You need a little more energy".

Yeosang knows he wont be able to to sleep in this situation but he accepts the offer anyway, leaning on the taller's shoulder and drifting off into a deep slumber.

He feels like he's only blinked and they've already arrived, Mingi gently shaking him awake. He jolts up, wanting to just get it over and done with, they have no time to be slow when Wooyoung is most likely in danger.

Jongho and Mingi lead him to a massive building, like a warehouse and Yeosang immediately gets an ominous feeling from it, he cant imagine being there for more than an hour, his heart aches for Wooyoung.

The door is the size of a wall with no one guarding it, is Wooyoung in there just like that? They slowly enter the dark building and the unguarded doors should have been their first warning that something is wrong.

The warehouse is completely empty, just four walls and nothing else. There aren't any lights so its completely dark apart from the weak source of light coming from the windows.

They walk slowly and close together, Jongho in front of them since he's the actual bodyguard. Suddenly he stops and both Mingi and Yeosang crash into Jongho's back. "I think I see something over there" he points into the distance, too dark so Yeosang doesn't see anything.

Jongho insisted to go alone to check but Mingi and Yeosang followed behind him anyway, both too afraid to be left alone but also anxious to see what Jongho noticed in the distance.

Then Yeosang sees it. A limp body on the floor, hauntingly unmoving. His heart drops and instantly runs towards the body but Jongho holds him back. "Not too fast, someone else might suddenly appear".

All of a sudden Yeosang is hoping that body on the floor isn't Wooyoung, it is surrounded by a liquid that he is almost certain is blood, there is no way this body is alive.

The three of their steps become more hesitant, all thinking the same thing. Please don't be Wooyoung.

But when they get close to it, the light from the window illuminating the pale face reveals the body's identity. Yeosang slaps a hand over his mouth, suppressing a sob. He immediately gets on his knees, shaky hands touching the cold, blood-stained face. "Wooyoung..." he shakes him but his body is completely limp.

Mingi is frozen, just staring while Jongho gets on his knees next to Yeosang, feeling Wooyoung for any wounds but the way his body is covered in blood makes the action seem useless.

Yeosang lets out a cry "Wooyoung... please" he shakes his shoulder harder but his body just flops around unresponsive, his tears falling off of his face onto Wooyoung's.

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