Piano x forte x scandel (Zoozbuh)

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For someone like me who needs a guiding beat
Concertos seem the best, they're written down on the sheet
Just follow the baton that the conductor is waving
And harmony is always guaranteed

On downbeats, I am a mile ahead of all the rest
Stoic and respected, only settle for the best
But on upbeats, I have to ad-lib sometimes
Or else I'd get too bored with my life

Just blindly following the same score each and every day would make my life seem too far mundane
I think I'd rather drown inside a whirlpool of indulgent immortality

I can feel your love shining on your finger
Tender to the touch, just fragile enough that it's almost invisible
And the words you whisper in my ear
Speak of forbidden serenades

For 27 hours, each time I opened up my eyes
My mind could only seem to think of you for the whole time
All my friends say that you're no good for me
But I can't say I'll ever agree

This everlasting thirst I have does not seem very satisfied by such ordinary words
I need some dialogue that can be naughty, could end up causing a scene

All the love we shared scattered up above us
Damaged from the start, and along the way somehow we made it break apart
But we try retaining what we had
With a kiss, we continue the rhapsody

The beat of this love starts accelerating and we think it through
And it becomes clear that we both know what we should do
Let's make it fortissimo tonight
And we embrace each other as tightly as we can

As we both lay here, our bodies intertwined
Both our voices slowly fade away into the night
So who cares about what's right or wrong
Wish I could stay in this moment forever

My favorite vocaloid english coversDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora