Deep sea girl (Jenny Elizabeth)

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As I'm sinking in this sea made of sadness and grief
I refuse to give into my fear
So I fall and so I fall without hope or belief
But I wonder if someone will come find me here

Does this path have an end where there's laughter and love or
Am I stuck forever stuck in this cold and dark pit
Once I saw a beam of light shining high from above
But the ways took it away before I captured it

I wondered what that was for a moment or two
I thought about the warmth and how dazzling it was
Was it made from my own mind, was it simply just a fluke
Was there something there at all

She's the girl of the deep sea, no one listens to her plea
The cold water gives no mercy to her spirit as she falls
She's the girl of the deep sea, losing hope and so she sinks
And the surface seems to far away, is it even there at all

Even down here in this place with no mornings or noons
I am stuck awake, can't count all the sleepless nights
So I watch your open wings, shining brighter than the moon
I have never seen a thing that is a prettier sight

And again the light poured down on me and lit up this world
And dazzled, I looked up and for the first time we met eyes
Your smile looked more beautiful than the brightest of all pearls
While I've got nothing but lies

She's the girl of the deep sea and she's sinking willfully
In the darkness, she feels nothing but the pain of her regrets
She's the girl of the deep sea, feeling lost and so she flees
And it's been so long that she does no longer know just where her heart is at

Oh my eyes have stopped showing any glint of happiness
And my face been devoid of smiles for what seems like years
Does it really look like I'm someone you want to get to know
Why won't you leave me alone

I overflowed with feelings that I couldn't even voice so they turned into tears
And when I looked to see you, it was only to discover that you had disappeared

She's the girl of the deep sea and she's given up her dreams
Even he can't quite get to her, the water's way too thick
Yet the girl of the deep sea stretches up and tries to reach
And determined, she fights the sea knowing that she well can out of this

She's the girl of the deep sea and she's pulled up by the gleam
And at last she can see the joyful sunlight of the day
So the girl of the deep sea has finally been set free
For at last she found the true love who can finally shake her soul awake

Now leave the deep sea girl and swim up, oh just fly away aah

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