Sadistic music factory (TBOE)

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Welcome to my grand music factory

I was the one who brought all of you to this place never known before
And all I'd like for you to do is to feed me freshly made music
I must eat more, must consume more, it's the only way to nourish me
So I want there to be hundreds, if not thousands of people always serving me

Just like how you humans always eat to avoid starvation every single day
To me that food is music or else my body could shrivel and decay
So hurry it up and feed me, feed me music, don't wait, start making music, do it now
Hey you can do it, I'll make you do it just by smiling at you

You there, why are you stopping
You really think I didn't see you
If you dare slack off again, consider this place your grave
Are we clear eh

I hope that you know that's it's pointless to run
I promise you that I'll always chase you, chain you and finally capture you
You are forever stuck with me and chained up here for eternity
Would you like pain added to the sentence that you are all under

Oh my, one person missing
Did he run away, as if he could

I still want more but I keep getting hungry
None of you can understand my misery
It doesn't matter what lyrics you write out
All of the words make me spit them all out
I still want more but I keep getting hungry
None of you can understand my misery
Why am I still angry about this torture
Oh please don't make me any angrier

Oh that daring fugitive
Where could he have run off to
Hey I found you

I have never given up my fear of returning to the darkness where I came from
But finally despite that I'm immortal, death has now caught up with me so I'll be done
I'm slowly going crazy of the thought of being left in the ashes of the past
Where silence is the winner but I'm cracking and aching at this precious gap

I won't be finished now, I'll fight and I'll eat, I'll gulp down the story and chew every last piece
Deep in my heart all the stories I have eaten are filling with rage, I won't be defeated
I regurgitate and spit out grumbles and rhymes knowing that my body is running out of time
My hunger will finally come and take over me but not unless I drag you back with me

I won't let you escape

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