Chapter 7

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End of the previous chapter: Hesitant, he surrounded him with his arm and began his guard. Questions, hesitations and decisions could wait until tomorrow.

Note: Chapter centered on the approaching full moon and its repercussions.

Chapter 7


The sun was rising in front of them. Derek had spent the rest of the night like this, surrounding Scott with his arm and scrutinizing the slightest indication of an external presence. He had not moved from night, the presence of the young man seemed too precious to him to risk waking him up. He felt the latter move, gently get out of sleep. He did not look at him, watching the horizon, but involuntarily tense himself anticipating his reaction to this potentially disturbing intimacy.

Scott felt good, rested and soothed as he had not been in a long time. When his eyes opened, everything flew away. Derek was very close. This embarrassed him terribly. Especially when he remembered that he was responsible for this situation. His reds took on a pretty tomato hue, his pulse accelerated. Derek felt the discomfort coming and without delay, chose to dissipate it as soon as possible, for this he saw only one solution.

- Hello Scott. Have I been an acceptable pillow?

The latter grumbled at the question, almost forgetting his embarrassment. But he was not fooled, by gently mocking, Derek tried to make him feel comfortable. He raised his head and freed himself from the embrace, but he stayed there, by his side.

- You could have woken me up, my back hurts too much.

A pain threw him along the spine, sleeping seated may not be a good idea. A smile was born on the elder's lips. They still didn't look at each other.

- Sorry, but you looked peaceful and then you didn't bother me.

They looked each other briefly in the eye and Scott broke contact, fleeing these destabilizing pupils. The alpha therefore chooses to change subject, to make his youngest forget this situation.

- The full moon will be tomorrow, so we will be under influence today.

Scott nodded his head. He controlled himself, but what about Jackson?

- We had better go downstairs, they will soon get up.

With these words, they then went downstairs to have their breakfast as if nothing had happened. They would have to face this situation, but for the moment, they preferred to act as if nothing had happened.

Two days that they had disappeared and nothing. Sheriff Stilinski was eaten away by anxiety. Why did his son run away? It definitely didn't look like him. No news, no call, Stiles was not the type to try to worry him. On the contrary, he knew that by his job, he needed to be reassured. He had not slept at night, looking in his son's belongings, searching his computer, remembering the last few days. Now, the presence of Scott and Jackson the day before their flight seemed much more suspicious to him. At the time, he had felt that something was going on, but had not wanted to question his son. They were young, one of them may have had a heartache or they just wanted to spend the evening chatting. He now criticized himself for not asking more questions. Wanting to leave too much space for his son, he had lost it.

His phone rang and, as in recent days, he rushed, not taking the time to check the interlocutor, wholeheartedly hoping that his son would be at the other end.

- Sheriff Stilinski? Melissa McCall on the camera. Do you have any news?

The tone was panicked, slightly hysterical and the sheriff could easily guess that this woman had also spent a sleepless night. She had to wait all night, waiting to be able to call him. Hoping, like him, for the slightest sign of their children's life.

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