The police station was located smack dab in the middle of town, between a barber shop and a grocery store, it was easy to access, and as they parked out front and made their way inside, the stares from local citizens were intense. The FBI was in town, something that majority of the people who lived in Chagrin Falls had never experienced, but he was here to put their city back into normalcy. As soon as he caught this guy, that is.

    "Officer Jameson?" He speaks up, gaining the man's attention as they walk further into the police station, "I'm Special Agent Evan Moore with the FBI, this is Special Agent Rebecca Collins and Special Agent George Soren—"

    "Thank God, you're here." Officer Jameson sighed out before he could finish the introduction, though from the looks of it around the office, most of everyone has spent their days trying to find this guy rather than giving out traffic tickets or busting high school parties. "Thankfully, he hasn't taken any other girls since the last one, Amanda Duncan, but it's been a week since she was found and . . . well, it's almost like a waiting game now. For him to take someone else, I mean."

    "Well, not for much longer." He replies with confidence and a small smile.

    "We'd like the talk to the families of the girls first, if that's not too much to ask." Rebecca requests with sincerity, always being the softer one who deals with the emotions, and as Officer Jameson quickly nods and gets someone to contact the families, they occupy one of the conference rooms while setting up their things.

    "We only have so much time here, you know . . ." George remarks lowly while Rebecca talks to Officer Jameson about the progress they've made, and in the seclusion of the small conference room, he looks up at George, who seems anxious. "what if we can't catch him before our time is up?"

    "We have four days, that gives us plenty of time to weed him out." He replies with a nod, mustering up enough determination for the both of them, because while it seemed quite easy to catch the perpetrator, the fact of the matter was that they only had four days. Ninety six hours to find whoever was murdering these poor girls and save whoever else he's going to target. "And if we have to go back, we can work from our office." He adds, watching George nod before Rebecca enters the room with a box of files, most likely what the CFPD has already collected about the infamous killer.

    "Jameson said that Celina Nelson's family will be here in ten minutes to speak with us, and Kelley Laken's family is out of town and don't get back until tomorrow evening, and Amanda Duncan's family has already come up here today, but we can go to their house and see if they'll speak with us." Rebecca tells them while dropping the box on to the table with a thud.

    "We talk to the Lakens whenever they get back," He says and Rebecca nods her head, "In the meantime, we can talk to the Nelson's first, and then Rebecca and I can go talk to the Duncan's—in the meantime, George can talk to some people around town, see if they've noticed anything new or unusual." He says and both Rebecca and George nod in understanding.

It wasn't long before Celina Nelson's mother showed up at the police station, clutching her purse to her side with anxiety shining in her eyes. Matching the woman to Celina Nelson wasn't hard, they look identical, and Rebecca was the first to approach her, introducing herself with a sympathetic smile and a soft handshake. It had been three months since Celina Nelson was left in the woods, missing a heart and clothes, and they never liked digging up buried people or buried emotions, but it had to happen if they wanted to find this guy.

Ms.Nelson was emotional talking about Celina, describing her as a feisty, outspoken individual, and it matched up with everything else that was said about the girl. There wasn't much that was taken from Ms.Nelson's interview, it's easy to tell that she wasn't too close with Celina, giving them little to no insight into what kind of business Celina got into behind her mother's back. He grew flustered, but only let the tension go through heavy sighs and strong sips of coffee, and once Ms.Nelson left the police station, he decided to head to Amanda Duncan's house with Rebecca while George spoke to some of the officers who knew more about the town than they did.

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