A wink

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~Luke's P.O.V~ 

"Soooo?" Jai asks as Daniel and Sydney start walking home for dinner. 

"So what?" I say, pretending that I don't know what they want to hear. 

"So, what is your take on Sydney?" James butts in. I roll my eyes, knowing this was coming. James, Jai  and Beau are all looking at me expectantly. 

I just shrug, "She's cool I guess." after I said this I immediately started to regret this. For one, it was a complete lie, I thought way more of her than just 'cool', and two, it wasn't even a good lie. Beau started laughing as soon as he heard my reply. 

"Really? That's all you think? Your googly eyes are her say something completly different!" Beau teases, as he makes his eyes really big at me. I just shove him. 

"You like her!" Jai screams, I shove him too, wishing they would just shut up. 

"So you DO like her!" Beau screams even louder. 

I turn to them, "Come on, she's Daniels' cousin!" I exclaim, "I can't like her!" I say to them, but really, I think I was reminding myself of this more than I was reminding them. 

"well, do you at least think she's pretty? Daniel never said anything about thinking she's pretty." James pitches in.

I wanted to lie, and pretend I didn't think she was too pretty, but the words came too quickly out of my mouth for me to stop them, "I think Sydney is absolutely beautiful."  I blush after i say this, knowing I shouldn't have. All the boys start to smirk at me, shaking their heads. I really need to start thinking before i talk. 

Once I get back to my house I go into the room Jai and I share while Beau and Jai watch television in the living room. I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I try thinking about normal things I usually think about, like, fans and new videos. But my mind just kept crawling back to Sydney. Her piercing blue eyes that just made me want to die, her hair that smelled like apples. I like apples. 

"Luke?" I could hear someone say, but I was too deep in thought to answer. "LUKE" They screamed, I jumped up and saw Beau standing by my bed smiling, "Thinking about Sydney?" He asks. 

I fold my arms, "no..." I mumble. 

He rolls his eyes, not believing me. "Well," he starts, "Skip called and said he wanted his shoes, that he left here last week, back. I thought maybe you could go give them to him?" He asked. At first I was going to rudely say no, but then I remembered who is staying there. 

"Sure" I say smiling, grabbing the shoes Beau was carrying and running out the door. 


I knock on the door of Skip's house, and it takes a bit for someone to answer, "oh hi Luke!" A familiar voice says,  I smile. 

"Hi, Sydney. I was just returning Daniel's shoes." I say smoothly. 

"Oh," She smiles, "well he is in the shower, so you can just come in." I walk in behind Sydney, and sit on the couch. She turns around, "Actually. can you help me with my suitcase? It's kinda heavy, so I can't put it up on the shelf.." I nod walking up behind her to the guest room. 

"Are you all settled in?" I ask, making conversation. She nods, as I set the suitcase on the shelf and turn back to her. "Seems like you hit it off with everyone." 

She slightly cocks her head to the right, "Really? I was pretty nevous. I don't usually hang out with guys much." I smiled at this. 

"well, surely you hang out with your boyfriend and his friends sometimes." I say.

She kinda looks at me, "ha, no. I don't have a boyfriend." she kinda laughs at the thought, and I smile. 

"Well.." I say, sitting down next to her on the bed and placing my hand on hers, "I am pretty sure all the guys liked you today." especially me, I think, I then shake the thought when I hear Daniel coming out of the bathroom. 

"Sydney!" He calls. I take my hand off of hers and stand up quickly. 

"Hi Skip, I came by to drop your shoes off!" I say, as he furrows an eyebrow. 

"You guys talk about much?" He asked, looking back at Sydney as well. I shook my head.

"I better get home." I say speedily to Daniel, "Bye guys." as I am heading out the guest room door, I decide to turn back around. I look at Sydney, who was already looking at me. I quickly wave, and wink at her. She blushes, and with that, I leave, content with myself. 


Alright guys! That's it for the third chapter I don't feel too well so sorry if it's no good, but I really wanted to update for you guys!<3 Please Vote, comment, and fan!. Love you all!


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