"Okay, looks like our dinner guest here, his name is Dennis Barron. He's 43, and this is his house. No signs of forced entry and no restraints", Dean informed everyone.

"It's all the same", Sam stated.

"Well, not everything", Jack pointed out, holding a snake skin.

"Maybe it's his pet", Dean suggested.

"I mean, no pictures in his phone. And, uh, this place doesn't exactly scream snake guy", Sam said.

"He looks too boring to have a pet snake, anyways", Lizziel said.

"Not enough Pantera posters, for one", Rowena pointed out.

Suddenly, Jack started to cough causing everyone to look at him worriedly. Jack looked at everyone and said, "There was some pepper on something. I don't know. I'm fine. I'm not dying".

"Okay, so, what? This guy's some real Houdini?", Dean questioned.

"Well, however he's avoiding us, he's now claimed the lives of at least six people in northern New Mexico", Castiel stated.

"That we know about", Dean said.

"Aye, but this is the first one I've seen in the flesh. Did they all have these blackened lips?", Rowena asked.

"Yeah, or just black patches of skin around their face and neck", Sam told her.

"Yeah, but we've been more focused on the missing eyeballs and cannibalism angle", Dean stated, causing Rowena to give him a disapproving look.

"Do the black lips mean something?", Jack asked, excitement and curiosity laced in his voice.

"Darling boy, everything means something. Be a dear and bring the snakeskin", Rowena replied, before heading towards the front door.


"Hey ya'll, I'm back", Lizziel said, appearing into the motel room with a flap of her wings.

"Where'd you get that smoothie from?", Dean asked her, confusion laced in his voice. He was sitting on a sofa with Jack and Castiel.

"Oh, I was bored so I went to this cute café in Paris and bought a smoothie", Lizziel replied, with a shrug of her shoulders.

"It looks...nice. What flavour?", Dean asked, eyeing her smoothie.

"Berry. Why? You want one?", Lizziel asked, causing Dean to nod his head, "Sorry, this one's mine".

"You're such an asshole sometimes, kid", Dean said, rolling his eyes.

"You still love me though", Lizziel said, causing Dean to ruffle her hair.

"Let's get back to this", Sam said.

"This is like an A.V club presentation", Dean stated.

"What's an A.V club?", Jack asked Dean.

"It's a special group for people who do not play sports", Castiel replied.

"Yeah him. He's A.V club", Dean said, pointing towards Castiel causing Castiel to give him an offended look.

"Excuse me, boys, but this is a bit more pressing than your hilarious banter. I do not know how you tolerate this Lizzie. Anyways, I believe we are hunting a gorgon, an ancient, cursed being with an affinity for snakes and a hunger for human flesh", Rowena explained.

"Snakes for hair? That's like Medusa", Dean said, excitement laced in his voice.

"You know about Medusa?", Rowena asked.

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