Part - 01

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Author P.O.V

'' Wake up dumbooooooo!!!! We're late for class '' You heard someone waking you up. '' I didn't eat the pastries...I swear I didn't! '' You said sitting on your bed. Adjusting with the light you saw your best friend Taehyung standing with an amused face. '' What happened? Why are you here? '' You said stretching your arm '' We're late for class...there's only 15 minutes left...wake up and get ready........and yeah you didn't eat the pastries '' he said laughing hard. You got up from your bed, took your clothes and ran to the washroom. After a good 10 minutes of shower you came out wearing a white shirt tucked inside the white skirt, wearing your thigh length stocking. You let your natural curly hair fall. After all, there are some advantages to having naturally curly hair.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror one last time and went down to have breakfast. I saw Tae waiting there for me. '' Hiiiiii! '' I said looking at my bestie. Wait, did I introduce myself? I am Park Y/N. I study at Daegu University. I will graduate next year and that excites me the most. '' Y/N have your breakfast and run to your university..Taehyung you too have something '' my mom said smiling brightly. '' No I will not have. I am already late for class...I will just take a juice and a pie...okay? '' I said as I took my bag from the couch and was wearing my shoes '' Noooooooooooooo!!! I will eat! I am verrrrrryyyyy hungry! We aren't late for class...I said as I wanted to annoy you '' he said showing his boxy smile. I swear I will kill this dumbass one day! '' What!? I sacrificed my sleep just for class and you are saying we aren't late! Just wait...I will kill you one day '' I said, throwing cushions over him. Ok now my stomach betrayed me. '' Ok i will eat too.... '' my mom's face lit up as I completed my sentence. '' should listen to your mom always '' '' yeah yeah whatever '' . We finished our breakfast and walked towards the university when he showed me his boxy smile and I can predict he wants something '' What do you want? '' I said rolling my eyes '' You really know me well....well can you buy me lunch as I haven't broken mine... '' I thought for some moment...... '' Okay! '' well....I too wanted to have it from outside I agreed.

Time skip to lunch time ( ik I am too lazy....hehe )

After a whole boring day it's lunch time which is the only thing I like in this whole university. As we planned, me and Tae are going out for lunch. '' Let's go? '' he asked and I nodded yes. We were in front of a café. '' As you said haven't eaten the can eat them now.. '' he started laughing. I hit his arm slightly '' ok ok now buy me pastries..well you can eat too.. '' I brought two pastries and 2 vanilla milk cans. His face lit up seeing so many things. Such a baby who can say he has a beautiful girlfriend. '' Thank you Y/N!!!!!! You are the best! '' I giggled at his reaction. On our way back we saw Minji, his girlfriend. She is very beautiful just like Tae. '' Heyyyy! What are you doing here? '' '' Hello! I am here to have some fresh air...and saw you both.. '' fresh air near a Café? Anyways we talked while going back.

Author P.O.V

You shrugged off the thought that she was jealous but little did you know that she was indeed jealous. Finishing your day with boring classes it was time to go home. After reaching home you texted Tae : Heyy! Can we have a party at my place? ; It's already time for our exams and I want a party!. You texted and ran to take a shower. After a good 15 minutes of shower you came out wearing an oversized hoodie. '' Wow that was too fast to answer '' you said to yourself and opened the text : party on this weekend? Ummm......Saturday? You thought for some time and replied a short : ok!

On Saturday


I wore an oversized white shirt and denim black jeans. A little bit of makeup '' And.........done! I heard the doorbell ring so I ran downstairs to see. It was none other than Tae and Minji. Earlier today he had asked me if he could bring her too. I happily said yes. '' Yayyyyyy!! Party time! I am having a party after sooo many days ! Let's gooooooooo! '' We had a quite good party and it was really fun.

Author P.O.V

Soon the exams were held and as always you and Taehyung were at the top. Graduation was held the next day and it was verrrrrryyyyy boring for you both but when it finished you both felt very energetic. On the other hand Minji was having fun with someone.


I was with Tae when I got a text from mom : We have to meet come fast..come before 7 . While I was texting mom Tae got a phone call, he excused himself and came back after 5 minutes. '' Who had called? '' '' Mom..she said we have to meet I have to go before too got a text who was it? '' I was in my own thoughts when I felt someone shaking me. '' What!? '' '' I asked who had texted you? '' he asked me while still holding on my shoulders '' Mom....she said we have to meet someone... '' Wait, aren't we both going to meet someone before 7? Something's fishy! '' Oh....Ok then let's go together...I will drop you at your place....okay? '' '' yeah...okay... '' I said and we both went to the parking lot and drove away. I was still in my thoughts when I felt the car stopping '' Y/N...we gooooo! Shoo shoo! '' he said like I am a pigeon and I am building a nest in his territory '' yeah going...byeeeeee! ''

Author P.O.V

After reaching home you saw your parents looking very serious '' What happened guys? Why so serious man? '' You asked, still confused. '' Go get ready, we will go to meet someone.....before you's a business meeting... '' But why am I going for a business meeting? Is this really a business meeting? You thought to yourself while going towards your room. You wore a black off-shoulder shirt and a white jeans. You adired your outfit for a moment before going down to your parents. '' You look so beautiful dear...I can't believe you are my daughter! '' Your father said, patting your head. After some time you reached a very beautiful restaurant, well not beautiful then you. Going inside the restaurant you saw a familiar figure sitting on one of the tables. Going near him you had an excited and confused feeling '' You.......? '' '' You.....? '' the person said as astonished as you.

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