Part - 03

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Author P.O.V 

After buying many things for you, he finally went to buy for himself. He chose a black suit. He was showing it to you, who was busy looking for more. '' Hey Y/N….how does this look? '' he said and saw that you were busy looking for more he chuckled looking at your concentrated face. '' Hey!!!!! Y/N!!!!! Look here!!! How does this look?!!!!! Can you hear meeeeee?!!!!! '' he kept on shouting until you ran to him and shushed him using your palm '' What!? I am here only! Why are you shouting? '' You said, looking at him. You felt something wet on your palm and realized that your hand was still on his mouth and he just licked your palm. You quickly took your hands off him and he gave you his boxy smile which you adore too much.  “ Now say what do you want? ’’ you asked him, looking straight at him. “ So…...what I was going to ask is how does this look?  ” he said, showing you the suit. Well, You were impressed by his choice. Then you realized that it was black coloured. Now you are busy imagining how it will look on him. You were imagining when you felt that someone was shaking you “ H-huh? What happened? ” You said, looking at him. 

“ Why do you always zone out? What were you thinking though? ” he said, making you wonder what to answer him. “ I-I was thinking of going to some restaurant….what do you think? ” You were really hungry so you just said that. '' Oh….well should I buy this? '' he said, raising an eyebrow '' yeah….buy it...and this too… '' You showed him a baby pink suit that matches your pink gown. '' ohh…..ok! By the way this looks cute and it…...matches with your gown….right? '' '' go and change it...I am really very hungry… '' you said with a pout. He quickly went to change and came out looking hot as fuck ( I am listening singularity….shit! I am feeling lonely ) '' Woah!!!! You look good Tae! Now let's goooooooooooooo!!!! '' 

Y/N P.O.V 

After getting himself a few suits and tuxedos we are finally going to eat something. We reached the restaurant after a few minutes. We sat near the window '' so...what do you wanna eat? '' he asked, showing me the menu. '' can order.. '' I didn't know what to say as every name of the item was saying ' eat me ' . '' Umm...we'll have pizza, spaghetti and lasagna.. '' Ok these sounds good….I mean it will be sooooo tasty. '' Anything for a drink, sir? '' '' Yeah...a red wine… '' '' Ok sir..your food will be here in a few minutes.. '' he nodded his head and the water left. 

I really wanted to know why he is not going out with Minji anymore..but I don't know if he will be comfortable with me asking him. '' Is there anything you want to ask, Y/N? '' he asked. What the fuck! He can read minds!?!?!? Maybe.. '' Umm….no….actually yeah...why are you not with Minji anymore? Because of me? '' I said maybe because of me he is not meeting her. '' No no no...not because of you..actually...I saw her with someone..and when I asked her who he was..she said her boyfriend along with me and 1 I broke up…. '' that is very bad...I won't leave that bitch '' WHAT!? LEMME GO AND KILL HER! HOW THE FUCK CAN SHE THINK OF HURTING YOU! '' I am so angry..I don't know what to do. '' Hey hey..don't be like this...many come and go...that's what life is...don't worry I have someone else in my heart… '' he said, making me calm. But his last sentence somehow hurted me. 

'' W-who is s-she? Do I know...h-her? '' I don't know why but I felt like crying but I didn't. '' Well...she is very beautiful and charming..her silly things make me go crazy...seeing her lips make me taste them..seeing her with someone else other than me make me kill him...I love her too much! '' It somehow  hurted me. He likes her too much. But who's that lucky girl? 

Author P.O.V 

Oh! How much you wanted to be that girl. But little did you know that he was talking about you only. Days passed quite fast. It was like when your favorite cookies finished before the time you had planned. You still were curious about that girl whom he likes so much not knowing that you were the one. 

You always go with Taehyung for cute dates. And now you can say that you were madly or very deeply in love with him at the same time afraid to confess to him as you were in the darkness of knowing he likes someone else. You got a call from him, a smile made its way to your lips. You quickly picked it.


Taehyung: Heyy!! Whatcha doing? 

You: Where are you at? Oh you got plans...don't say that….hehe 

Taehyung: Huh? What was that? 

You: I was completing the song...don't tell me you don't know this!? 

Taehyung: Hey...I know I know...but what were you doing? Thinking about me? 

You could feel him smirk. After all, a girl's sixth sense is always correct. 

You: Why would I think of you? I….I was t-thinking about that girl…

Taehyung: Oooo….well I can show you….you wanna see? 

You thought for a moment remembering all the girls he knew. You knew all the girls he had something. 

You: Umm…….o-okay...but where will we meet...

Taehyung: You will get to know soon….for now dress a very pretty dress though everything you were looks good...and come to the location I sent..hehe. 

You: What are you going to do Tae? 

Taehyung: It's a surprise….okay bye..I will pick you in 30 minutes..

You: Okay...bye! 

You hung up the call and rushed towards your bathroom to take a shower as you had only 30 minutes. 

After a good 10 minutes of shower you came out wearing a bathrobe. You searched through your closet to find the prettiest dress you had. 

You wore a blood red silhouette that accentuates the hips and tapers on the knees with a black heel. You did a heavy yet light makeup. 

Suddenly you heard a car horn. You knew it was Tae. Checking yourself last time you head out to where Tae was. To Your surprise he was also wearing a red suit matching with your dress. The only sound that was heard is your heels ' tick-tock  tick-tock '.

'' Hey beautiful! Looking gorgeous as always… '' '' Stop it Tae… too are looking hot as always.. '' With that you sat on the front seat beside him and headed off to your destination which was still a secret. 

After almost 20 minutes you both reached your destination. He blind folded me and led you to the place. '' Where are you taking me? '' you said with both nervousness and excitement '' Just  wait a bit more darling..we will reach in a few seconds… '' he emphasized the word darling and there you were all pink.  

He took off the blind fold. The view in front was very overwhelming for you. You unknowingly started crying. '' T-Tae...this is so beautiful… '' you said between your soft sobs. You saw a cute round table with two chairs which had something wrapped in a white cloth and a very beautiful sunset behind. It was perfect for a date '' Y-you like it? I did this all….I wanted to show you the girl I love… '' you stopped crying for a moment. '' O-oh...where is…..she? '' You said in a bitter sweet voice. '' She is there….come..she is waiting… '' he said, showing his boxy smile. 

You walked towards the table. Just a few steps before he told you to close your eyes. You did as he told you to. '' Babe….open your eyes…. '' hearing him say babe made your heart skip a beat and butterflies inside your stomach were going crazy. You opened your eyes and saw……...

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