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Chapter 1

You went out around La Beliene to look around and you saw a bunch of people crowding at the bulletin board. As the news got posted, vampires became a top topic for humans.

"Whoa, that's scary. Maybe I should bring a silver knife with me at all times." a citizen said.

"Dumbass! That's for ware-wolves." another guy added.

"I thought vampires were already extinct?"

"Mommy, I wanna see one and let him bite me too." a clueless child said.

"Dear, have you lost your brain? You'll be dead if that happens and mommy will be said." her mother said with a worrisome face.

"THE END IS NEAR!" A lunatic person cuts in the conversation of the citizens.

"That's it! Vampires are gonna take revenge."

"You guys believe in such useless fairy tales," one of the bystanders said.

While the people were talking, you looked to your right and you saw a mysterious guy with unique skin color and that caught your attention. You whistled and thought, I gotta say my female hormones have tasted. You slapped yourself so that you can focus but you also had the impression that the guy you saw is suspicious and you decided to follow him.

"Excuse me, hello there! You wanna hang out with us miss?" a guy-looking thug said as he looked at you with perverted eyes.

Haa- I can never understand these human males often do these? You looked at them from top to bottom and deduced their appearance. You gave out a very long sigh and looked at them coldly. One of his friends tried to grab your arm but you suddenly punched him in the face.

"Oy, oy, what was that for?" the thug asked?

"Ahh, that was called self-defense before you could even touch me. You should never touch a woman without her permission," you said while shaking your hand to ease the pain.

"Haha, you don't have to be like that? Let's get to know each other. That'll be fun." the thug smiled as he said that.

You replied, "No need to. I already know who you are."

"You're joking right?" they got confused.

You sighed again and explained, "Your appearance says it all. The bruises in all of your arms are fresh so I conclude that you've gotten a fight 30 minutes earlier before you went in here. You didn't even try to tuck your blouse and you smell like dog poop. This aggressive behavior and your guy over there is continuously vomiting. The enlargement of your pupils or should I say, glassy eyes and dark circles around your eyes only says one thing." You paused for a while and prepared to take out your knife just in case if they attack you. "Drugs. And that logo...from your handkerchief as well, came from the infamous gang group nowadays that Inspector Victor told me about."

They all laughed at you and suddenly became quiet. You looked at them with a serious expression and were about to take out the knife behind your back. The good-looking guy that you saw earlier was gazing upon you as you were about to fight. The thugs all rushed at the same time towards you but you were swiftly taken away. You suddenly closed your eyes when a sudden dash of the wind passed by. From the moment you opened your eyes, they were all gone and besides you was the guy you find appealing.

Meanwhile, the thugs back then got confused and were about to find you but...

"What was that?" the guy who was hitting on you earlier said.

"Dammit, that girl just disappeared with someone. I just know it." another added.

"Umm... boss, we should not try to mess with her." the newly recruited thug replied.

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