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two thousand one. . ..  . .

was when it all happaned,....

his son was BITTEN. I think i cannat rember :(

when he was cursed to look like MILKMAN.
and how he earned the name Willbum.

this guy..

this guy

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... :(

Hes kinda pretty ngl SHUT THE FUCK UP.

He also killed multiple kids . . . . . he killed rinnes mom. :(
and keito and rinne DID NOT LIKE EAVHOTHER AFTE.R/ because they had a big big fight...

bacon to willbum...

It was a normal day.

Just a normal day in my peaceful, quiet life.

Before the apocalypse started.

It was my son's birthday.

When we went to Goth IHOP .... the animatronics were waiting for us.

Foxy stripper.

Rei Sakuma was there, the boss of the restaurant of course.

He came over to me.

"Hey, Afton! How's it goin' so far? Everythin' alright?"
He smiled at me.
"Oh yeah, everything's fine."
I then realized.

His speech quirk. It wasn't there.

I then remembered, that Rei Sakuma, invented the words "lol" and "xd".

"Sakuma. Your speech quirk.... Something's wrong." He dropped his smile.
"Uhm.. you- you know, work etiquette..!"

I was relieved only for a moment until I peeked the corner.

My son was being insulted by others and was telling him to go interact with Foxy Stripper, the popular animatronic at this restaurant.

"Afton, what're you lookin' at?" He chuckled nervously, leaning down a bit to be equal to my short stature of mine. I will admit, I am short.

"Rei, can you not see at all? My son... look at what the hell they're doing, focker!"

William irked. He was about to snap then and there.

"Afton, calm down, would you?! He's a big boy, right? I mean golly, it's what... his 15th birthday..? Why is he even havin' a birthday party here still?" Rei snapped William out of it, slapping his cheek a little. "Sakuma.." He stared at him, many thoughts piling up in his mind, telling him to go bonkers and telling him to remain calm.

"We- we do this every year for my children. Until my eldest at the time died, we stopped for a little bit, but-" As he was about to continue, he ran up to the animatronic in shock.

They were forcing the head of his son into the animatronic of Foxy Stripper.

"NO!" William screamed in agony, Rei looking at it all like they knew what was going to happen.

Rei quickly walked away, just in time.

The animatronic mouth fell on William's son's head, snapping his head in half. Foxy Stripper had strong teeth, for sure.

"Not again.. how dare YOU!" William yelled at the children.

"Lmao Willbum." They walked away to the room that Rei was in, one taking their Foxy mask off, revealing a small Rinne Amagi and a small Keito next to him.

William was heartbroken.

"I will get you. I fucking will murder you, Sakuma. I knew it. You were all behind this."

Rei popped behind him.

"What was that I heard, Willbum?" Rei smiled.

"Sakuma! You focker! You killed my son! I know it's you!" The brunette turns around, angry as hell.

"Afton. I told you to calm down, didn't I?"

"Fuck off!" William cannot be calmed down.

"lol xd" Rei proceeds to change his identity, his legal name, his face, and his memories, but... he cannot forget the sight of Rinne Amagi and Keito.

That is the story of how Willbum Afton was born.

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