Things Married People Do-unknown author

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Requested by: Shanynde

Request: 'Married Unofficially'

No one is quite sure at what point Natasha and Clint got married. In fact, everyone is quite certain that the two haven't even realised it for themselves.

Tony is not the first to notice, but he is the first to comment about their relationship, if it can be called that, over dinner one night in Stark Tower. It's always been an unspoken rule that Natasha does not discuss three things: why she refuses to take any jobs in Moscow, what happened in the Red Room, and anything involving her partnership with Clint. Tony has already crossed the line by suggesting they take her to Moscow to see how she if she really can drink with the Russians, so when he asks her playfully why she's not wearing her wedding ring she chooses to launch a chopstick across the room instead of roll her eyes and insist she hasn't got one.

The chiopstick jabs him in the jugular so hard he's sure for a minute that he's dying. He doesn't ask again.

But he does keep noticing the strange way that they...well, compliment each other. Neither Natasha or Clint are anything close to a wholesome human being, neither of them will ever yearn for suburbia and they don't even know what a real childhood is let alone be able to provide one for any ninja children of their own. Yet somehow they work remarkably better out of the field than they do during a mission - perhaps the biggest shock of all

Straight off the bat, Tony notices in the aftermath of saving the world, they're drawn to each other without even trying. Either that or it's been so long that they don't need to try. He's not sure how they met, and no one will tell him, but he's starting to think it falls within the grounds of What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas. They pay attention to each other without even being consciously aware of it, as if the whole charade is just perfect timing and good luck, but they're better than that. It's not luck that Clint just happens to catch her favourite coffee mug when Bruce's eyes flash green one day and it startles her into dropping it, and it's not perfect timing that Natasha just happens to have the coffee ready for two people the moment Clint emerges from the armoury every morning.

There are no lies between them, either. Three days after he had officially met Clint Barton during the 'settling down' period after what they now referred to as the 'alien incident' they noticed that he seemed to be moving akwardly. Everyone asked him about it, but he said he was fine, and they heard countless injuries. Trapieze injury. Old football injury. Slept on the wrong side of a bed. There's nothing wrong with me. Too much crazy sex. They heard them all, and believed none, naturally. Natasha confronted Clint on the third day immediately after he was bragging about throwing his back out during a wild sexual encounter and asked him what was wrong. Without even giving Steve a second glance, Clint told Natasha about how he had landed on his arrows when he crashed through the window and that it's causing him back pain.

An hour later, while the five remaining Avengers sit down to show Steve the wonders of the Star Wars movies, no one is brave enough to comment on how Clint throws off his shirt and lays down on his front in the middle of the room, watching the television with his head propped on folded arms while Natasha sits on the back of his thighs and gives him a back massage. No one dares say a word, because while she's working wonders with her hands based on Clint's peaceful expression, she could turn and snap their necks in a second. Tony does wonder how long it took up to build the trust that Clint had for her, to let her so delicately have the power to twist his spine and kill him in less than a second and yet to so willingly allow her the opportunity. Tony knows that she wouldn't kill him without a good reason, now that he knows her a little better, but he doesn't think he could trust Natasha not to kill him in that situation. For him, the fear would still be there, but for Clint...well, Clint is asleep by the time they put Empire Strikes Back on, so Natasha crawls off his legs and lays out in a similar position beside him.

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