Dear Natasha

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Dear Natasha


You used to captivate me by your resonating light

Now, I'm bound by the life you left behind

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

Dearest Natasha

Autumn's arrived

Let me just hold your hand tonight.

Dearest Natasha

Open your eyes

Give me a chance to say

I love you and goodbye



August 4 2012

Dear Natasha,

I've been thinking about you a lot and what you've done to deserve this. You haven't done anything to deserve what happened to you-it isn't fair, yet, here we are: you in a comatose state with machines keeping you alive and me in my living room writing a letter to you. About the letter, I knew that you couldn't hear me if I talked to you, so I decided to write a letter to you instead. Just like in the movies, hey, Romanoff? So here we go, I will write to you every day until you wake up.


August 5 2012

Dear Natasha,

You haven't woken up yet and your vitals haven't changed. Of course, you know that but I just felt the need to tell you.

I miss you Tasha, I really do. I don't just miss the way you were around me, but the way you acted when you thought no one was looking; I miss the way you would lick the lid of your coffee before anything else. Honestly, I could list of everything that I missed about you, but, as you would say: "there is no point Barton, it's not as though I could hear you anyway." Is it wrong that I can hear your high-pitched annoying voice when I wrote that? Ah, screw it if it is. Just come back to me one day Natasha, I don't care if it's in a day or a thousand, just come back to me.


August 20 2012

Dear Natasha,

I just went on my first mission without you. To Budapest of all places! It rained when I was there, and do you know the first thing I noticed when the rain ended? Petrichor, your favourite smell. It was raining the first time I kissed you. Do you remember? I sure do. We were fighting, over something; I don't remember what we were fighting about, but all I remember was that I kissed you that night and to my surprise, you kissed me back.

Do you know that I still whisper, "Come back to bed Tasha," at night. It's almost as though my mind refuses to admit that you aren't coming home anymore. I used that word again; the word you hated: home. I still don't understand why you hate that word Natasha; it's a stable word, a word that won't change no matter what happens. Maybe that's what you hate about it; the fact that it doesn't change. You like change. That's why you cut your hair short. Was it because you never had a home as a child?

Look at me will you? I'm rambling again.


August 31 2012

Dear Natasha,

Can you hear me? Do these unsent letters make it to you? I really hope that they do; I'd like to think that you could still see me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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