Lets go home~ 23

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[building crumbles]

"Damnit why are you so damn fast!" Karma yelled as he tried stabbing Itachi

"Well I have to be fast to kill traitors," Itachi said simply when he stabbed karmas leg

"Agh!...damn" Karma snarled when Itachi threw him into the wall


"Karma!" Itona yelled


"I'm fine...focus!" karma snarled and stood up
'Shit it's getting harder to dodge...I ended up joking the fight but I'm not much help' karma cursed at himself when another kagune threatened to stab him as moved out of the way 'Can we even beat this guy' karma snarled as he launched himself at Itachi

"Just give up already I could kill you and free You from your pathetic life's" Itachi said

"Love the offer but you're the reason it's so pathetic!" karma laughed "you just lead us into a war we didn't even know could happen!"

"Besides we can't let the others down either...and I want to kill you before Sasuke shows up," itona said

"Then why don't I finish what Jason started" Itachi said when he had hit karma into the wall stabbing his leg

"Ack!" Karma cried out

"Karma!" Itona yelled When karma looked back up to see a kagune heading towards itona

"Hey!...watch out!" Karmas eyes widened as he watched his partner get impaled in the stomach

"Agh!" Itona cried out as Itachi threw itona into the wall


"ITONA!" Karma growled "damnit"

Itachi launched his kagune at karma when he ripped the kagune with his own barely dodging as he limped his way to itona

"Hey!...hey, come on stay with me! get up!" karma said as he fought off the kagune

"I'm fine" itona said as he stood up gripping his stomach and launched himself in the air once more

[blood splatters]

"Do I really have to kill you to make you understand?" Itachi asked

"Shut the hell up already," karma said when he tore off one of the kagune and stabbed itachis leg

"I'll take that as a yes" Itachi said disregarding the kagune in his leg

"Agh!" Karma heard a cry out in pain when he looked to see itona lose his footing and fall to the floor in pain

"You should of known better karma...now he's going to die," Itachi said when he used his kargune to grab onto itona and stab his chest

"Agh!" Itona cried out

Karmas eyes widened as he felt his mouth part in shock until Itachi smacked him sending him through the wall

Fuck being human :Blue exorcist/Tokyo ghoul [editing]Where stories live. Discover now