Traitors~ 22

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Hides pov- before the start
[door bell rings]

"Hinami! Mr Yoshimura" touka called out to see if the two were there


I looked around the shop half expecting to see my Bestfriend and the guy who was obviously in love with him standing there as they greeted me

But they weren't

"You alright hide" I heard the woman named Kurigakuri speak as she slapped my back harshly

"Ack!...y-yeah I'm's been a while since I've been here though" I admitted "getting kinda nostalgic" I laughed

"Well stop because we're about to get wrapped up in a war," Nishiki said as I flinched

"R-right" I chuckled when I saw Rins brother walk up to me As he shoved something in my hands as I looked down to see a gun

"This is how you turn off the safety," he said "this is how you remove the rounds, and here are some pre-prepared ones for when you need to reload," Yukio said explaining the gun as I sweat-dropped

"I already know how to use one" I rubbed the back of my neck as he flinched

"I'm sorry...I just assumed-" he said

"It's fine...I only know because I used to be afraid of ghouls and decided to learn...but I never really expected I needed one since they weren't as bad as I thought" I laughed When I heard someone coming down from the stairs

"Mr Yoshimura" touka said

"I guess it has come to this then," he said

"We believe we found kaneki and rin...but we have to get involved In a war to find them," touka said

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that," he said causing me to flinch

"Why the hell not!" Touka snarled

"The war has been dragged all the way here...they've discovered me and my location and have already evacuated the citizens in the area," Mr Yoshimura said as all of our eyes widened

[door bell rings]

I looked to the entrance to see a man with white hair walk-in

"Yomo?" Touka flinched

"I've already failed rin and was my request to be the ones to protect you" yomo said

"Take care of them...and Mrs Kurigakuri I hope you will respect my wishes and protect them as well," Mr Yoshimura said

"Alright" she sighed

"What! You can't just agree to that out of nowhere we had a plan" touka snarled

I looked around trying to find some way to escape as I looked towards the back door

I have to find them one way or another

"I have to find my brother!" I heard Yukio argue

Fuck being human :Blue exorcist/Tokyo ghoul [editing]Where stories live. Discover now