Lee Hyunjin on the other hand looked at the canicae and thought that if it was a wolf like this then it was fine, he could look after it for him since he insisted that it wasn't something he needed. "Don't call it useless, that's not very nice," Lee Hyunjin said.

Kim Jaehyun nodded to him and then said, "Cerberus come out."

When Lee Hyunjin heard the beasts name he froze. Why would you name your wolf Cerberus? Also aren't you going to whistle?

Lee Hyunjin suddenly felt an ominous sensation.

The marking on Kim Kaehyuns arm came to life with a dim red glow before literally setting ablaze.

Clearly Cerberus was being extra with his entrance in honor of Kim Jaehyun's undead friend.

The fire on Kim Jaehyun's arm didn't burn his clothes but it was frightening nonetheless, Lee Hyunjin pointed at his arm, he was so scared he couldn't speak, "f-f-f-fire..."

Kim Jaehyun sighed.

The fire detached itself from his arm and began warping slowly taking the shape of a large creature.

In a single flash. A black stallion covered in flames appeared before Lee Hyunjin. Cerberus smiled, "hello there."


Lee Hyunjin fell back on his butt. He was trembling, "sunbae..... this....."
Kim Jaehyun commanded, "recede your flames."

Cerberus felt like he'd made a good show and did as his master said, the fiery mane settled and turned into long black hair, he took a step closer to Hyunjin and lowered his head, "nice to meet you strange human."

Lee Hyunjin patted his chest in an attempt to calm himself, he looked at Kim Jaehyun said, "this.... uhm.... this beast is what you wanted to me watch over?"

Kim Jaehyun smiled and nodded though internally he knew that he was leaving Cerberus behind to watch over Lee Hyunjin.... it's just that with the others crappy luck he couldn't help but worry, bad things could happen to him whilst they were gone and this way, Lee Hyunjin wouldn't leave the inn before he returned.

Lee Hyunjin said, "but.... sunbae I think he can watch over himself just fine."

Cerberus didn't mind being left behind, he actually was quite interested in this undead fellow so he was fine spending some time with him. It's just that his master was rather arrogant and may get himself in danger so he still said, "master allow me to accompany you, it's best I go with you."

But as usual Cerberus was ignored. Cerberus looked at his master and thought, he must still be angry....

Kim Jaehyun said with a particularly bright smile, "please take care of him for me, he shouldn't give you too much trouble and you don't even have to feed him, just leave him in a corner somewhere."

Cerberus frowned, he's definitely still angry... is he really going to let me starve?

It's not like he would die but either way being starved wasn't pleasant. Cerberus spoke into Kim Jaehyun's mind, I won't blabber too much in future master

Of course since beasts and their contractors shared a bond, Kim Jaehyun was able to respond to him in a similar manner, that's the first lie you've told me since we met

Legendary-Tier Crap [𝚁𝙴-𝚆𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶]Where stories live. Discover now