Loving the Scars

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When a group of people who have been hiding from their pasts meet, they will discover each other's stories and come up with a common goal: for them to go up.

This series revolves around family, friends, self-doubt, traumas, and dreams.

Loving the Scars | Go up Series #1

Shamara became aware of the world's bitterness at a young age. As a child, she has already experienced the traumas of a violent family, poverty, and living up to the expectations of others. As a result, she forced herself to become an adult right away to understand the world. But it wasn't until she met Hezekiah that she realized how to enjoy life.

Despite her struggles, she realizes that there is still someone who will accept her despite the scars from her past that she tries to conceal. But what she doesn't realize is that for every happiness, there is pain.



It is all a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual events is all coincidence. Please refrain from making the scenarios associated with the author. Anything in the book was purely fiction.

TRIGGER WARNING:  Read at your own risk. This story contains strong language and scenes that could be disturbing to certain readers. Please, don't imitate the characters or make them your role models, especially when you think that it is unethical. I wrote characters that reflect humanity nowadays, and I hope that you refrain from associating them in your lives. You could gain insights from them but DON'T ever, think and do something that would make it happen in real life. What happens here, stays here. Thank you.

Date Started: September 7, 2023

Yes, this series was inspired by SB19's Go Up. So, to you, who plan to read this. Just give all your best, 'cause we're gonna go up.

"Kahit ilang beses pang matumba. Yeah, we gonna go up" —SB19

© DonyaBebe

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