I look down at the necklace hanging around my neck and gently grab the pendant. A tear falls on the smooth glass of the little bottle filled with the ashes of my mothers's hearts.

//I know those aren't ashes but black salt, but it's just an example

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//I know those aren't ashes but black salt, but it's just an example.

I am so thankful I had the change to cremate my mothers, I will always carry them with me, close to my heart.
I didn't want a big funeral. They wouldn't want that. Just a quiet little peaceful one.

I knew they were watching over me, they have always been supportive and I love them
with all of my heart.

"I love you guys." My hand closes and now the pendant hides in my hand. A painful smile forms on my lips.

Suddenly I hear a loud and high scream, without thinking I run towards the sound.

As I catch my breath I see Emma, Regina, David, Mary Margaret, Kilian, Rumple, Henry and Tinkerbell surrounding a woman laying on the ground.

She wears a blue dress and has dark brown hair bound together in a bun. As I walk closer, David bends down and brings his index and middle finger to her neck to check her pulls.
"There's no pulse." He says, making everyone gasp.

"Poor blue." Mary Margaret says.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Pan's shadow took her shadow." Kilian answers.

I shiver at the mention of Pan. "But I thought Regina had trapped it in the sail?"

"I did, and there is only one person who can free it aside from me."


"But there is no way  he can control the shadow from inside pandora's box." Rumple says.

"Then we gotta open the box and see if he's still there, if so, we'll kill him, if not, we know he's around here somewhere." Emma responds.

"He'll use his magic to stop us from killing him." Rumple notes.

"Then we open the box outside the townline. Regina, can you make sure Henry and Serafine are safe? Oh and taking Felix may be a good idea too, we don't want him to help Pan if he's out there somewhere."

Regina nods in agreement with Emma's request and after Henry gave his family a hug, she takes us to get Felix.

We go to a police station and inside is Felix sitting on a bed in a cell.
Regina grabs handcuffs from the bureau and takes a key out of her pocket to open the door.

"Told you you haven't got rid of Pan yet." He smirks while Regina clicks the handcuffs around his hands.

"Shut up and walk." Regina says calm but angry.
She gives him a push forwards.

"Okay okay calm down."

After some walking we arrive at a forest.
"We're almost there." Regina says.

After some time of walking through the forest we arrive at a small building. Regina opens the door and moves aside a big box, revealing a staircase. We go downstairs.
"What is this place?" I wonder out loud.
"My vault. It's where I keep all my magic stuff."

I look around to see Henry wandering around.
"Don't touch anything." Regina warns him.
"I won't, thanks mom, for keeping us safe. I love you."
"I love you too sweetie." Regina smiles and pulls him in for a hug.

The smile that formed on my lips soon disappears when I see henry grabbing a bottle behind Regina's back. Before I can do something, he pulls away and holds the bottle under Regina's nose, causing her to faint.

Just as I want to run away to get help, I see him grabbing a tiny box. Whatever he wants to do with it, it can't be good.

I run at him and grab the box, then I run away.

"You won't escape me again love."

A shiver goes down my spine when realisation hits me.

This isn't Henry.

Its Pan.

freedom is all I want (once upon a time fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now