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⚠️ Trigger warning: abuse ⚠️
(The part with abuse is marked with this ⚠️ emoji at the beginning and end)

"Ok but back to the point, why did Pan kidnap you?" David asks.

"Because he loves her." I hear a familiar voice say behind us.

A shiver goes down my spine, I feel my face turning white.

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Serafine's POV
We all turn around and see Peter.
He walks towards me, but Killian steps before me.
"Leave her alone Peter, she doesn't want to be with you."
"I don't care, I love her." He says
"Yeah because kidnapping someone is so romantic." Regina says.

"Give her to me, and I'll spare you guys." He says.
I've had enough. I walk past Kilian and face Peter.
"Or you just accept that I don't love you."
I say, glaring at him.
"Wrong answer angel." He says, he tries to grab me but I back of.
"That's enough Pan, leave her alone," Emma says, laying her hand on my shoulder.
"Boys, attack the adults. And don't hit Serafine." Peter says.

Suddenly, all the lost boys appear. They start shooting arrows at us. We all get in a circle to dodge the arrows, some use a sword, some- magic? Etc. When they stop I see that Peter isn't there anymore. "Is everyone ok? David asks. A few "yeah" "yes" and "aye's" follow.

A few minutes later we sit by a campfire, Emma shows me a picture of a boy, "Have you seen him?" I nod, he was there when Pan introduced me to the lost boys, he seemed like he didn't want to be there.
"Is he ok?"Emma asks.
"He is fine, is he the reason you guys are here?" Emma nods.
"He's my son." She says.
Regina clears her throat.
Emma sighs, "Our son."
"I'm sorry for you," I say. "But I am sure you will save him."
"Thank you," Emma says. I nod.

It's late and everyone except me and Rumple is in their tents.
"About Pan," Rumple says.
"Yes?" I ask.
"No offence but why did you have a panic attack in the forest?"
I bite the inside of my cheek, "Well, he-" I sigh. "He touched me, and the worst was that I couldn't fight back because he had put a spell on me."
"I was afraid you were gonna say that, I am so sorry for you." Rumple sighs.
"Thank you," I say quietly.
Suddenly, someone grabs my waist from behind and puts their hand over my mouth.

"Well, well, well, did you actually think I would just let you go? I hear a familiar whisper in my ear. A shiver goes down my spine. It's Peter, I try to get out of his grip but it's too strong.
Rumple turns to us and tries to help me.

"Too late," Peter says, and we are back in the treehouse. I don't say anything, knowing that if I say something, it's gonna be something that isn't really gonna help me.

He throws me to the ground and as I try to get up he grabs my hair and harshly pulls me up with it. I pull my hair out of his hands and step a few steps back, facing him. His eyes are almost black so dark are they.

"Stop running from me Serafine, he says walking towards me. I think of what to do, If I step backwards I will get myself to the wall, which will give me a tinier chance of escaping. The same with right and left. So I take a deep breath, I run his way, but run around him and get to the door, he is surprised by my action so he doesn't get the chance to grab me. I open the door, phew it's not locked, as I ran out I feel him grab my waist. Fuck. He pulls me back inside, throws me at the floor and locks the door. I try to get up but my ankle hurts like hell.
I flinch and grab my ankle. Peter kneels by me and gently grabs my chin making me face him.
"I've gotta give it to you, you're very smart. But it would be smarter to just give in.
"Never." I spit at him. He brings his face close to mine. "I will find a way to make you listen to me Serafine, I know there is one." He kisses my forehead while he grabs my painful ankle and turns it around. I gasp for air, but he keeps going, I scream but he still doesn't stop. "This is what happens when you fight me Serafine!" He yells at me. "You belong to me!" "No I don't" I scream at him.
"Say it, say you belong to me and I'll stop." He yells at me. I shake my head squeezing my eyes closed my lips forming a thin line. He turns my ankle around even more. I scream but don't say a word.

After what seems like forever, he finally stops turning around my ankle. But then I feel his fist meet my cheek. I scream and put my hands over my cheek. Then, Peter pulls me in for a hug and whispers in my ear, "Oh Sera, when are you gonna learn." I shiver. He carry's me bridal style to the bed and pulls me close, I keep on shivering. He pets my hair and kisses my forehead. "Now sleep my precious angel." He whispers in my ear. Somehow my eyelids get heavy and it doesn't take long before everything goes black.

Peter's POV
She sleeps so peacefully, damn I love her. I kiss her jawline and forehead. I didn't like to hurt her, but she won't listen. I can't seem to get to her physically, so I am gonna have to do it mentally.

Let's see what you can handle my precious angel.

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