6: weakness

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⚠️ Trigger warning:  sexual assault ⚠️
(The part with sexual assault is marked with this ⚠️ emoji at the beginning and end)

Serafine's POV
I wake up next to Peter, I immediately get off of the bed, but as I set my feet on the ground, I flinch of pain. My ankle hurts like hell. I look at it and see bruises everywhere in it. Suddenly I feel Peter grabbing my waist, he pulls me close to him and whispers in my ear, "Good morning my precious angel." I roll my eyes. I try to get out of his grip but it won't work. "I swear Serafine, you better stop fighting me or you won't like the consequences."
"Oh, and what are the consequences? You'll beat me up again? 'Cause I don't  care." I say to him, finally getting out of his grip, turning around and facing him.
He suddenly looks at me full of regret.
"Sera, your cheek, it's all bruised."
"As a cheek normally does when someone hits it," I answer.
"I am sorry Serafine." He says, pulling me in for a hug.

Yeah. Right.

"Why can't you just make it easy for both of us?"

Ok, that's IT. I got out of his grip facing him.

"Serafine, you got to understand that on Neverland, things work my way and you have to listen to me." He says calmly, pissing me off.
"I, listen to no one but myself." I glare at him.
"Trust me, Serafine, you'll learn to listen to me." He says, still calmly. He walks out of the room.

This is my chance to escape! I walk struggling to the door, flinching of the pain my ankle gives me but I walk into something invisible, I run my hand over it and it feels like some kind of wall. Shit. A barrier.

Peter Pan's POV
I sit in my thinking tree.
I am pretty sure I know how to make Serafine listen to me, I am just concerned about how much I'll hurt her.

Damn, I really care about her. I have never really cared about hurting someone, and here I am being afraid to hurt one single girl.

But I don't know how else to get her to listen to me. She is stubborn as hell. And not gonna lie, strong too. Most people immediately freeze in fear when they see me, while she stands up to me and fights, even though she is scared, she doesn't let it bring her down.
She's just and puts others first.

That makes it so difficult to find another option,

Hurting her won't get her to listen to me,

Hurting someone else will.

Serafine's POV
I've been in here for quite a while and decided to read a book from the shelf. I love reading but nothing goes above music, I miss being able to just turn on Spotify whenever I feel bad. Music always helps me to kind of, recharge.

I think back to the summer evening's when me and my friends would go make a campfire, roast marshmallows and watch the sun go down.
A little smile forms on my lips when I think about it and I close my eyes reimagining those wonderful summer evening's.

"You have a wonderful smile, my precious angel"

Great, of course, he comes in at this moment.
I open my eyes and see him smiling at me, while I throw a dead glare at him.

"Funny that I can only smile in front of you when I have my eyes closed huh?"

His smile drops immediately.
"Serafine I am warning you, don't use that attitude in front of me."
I roll my eyes. He walks towards me and grabs my chin.
"I am bloody serious Serafine, you don't want the consequences of not listening to me. This is your last warning."
I spit in his face. Go to hell.

His eyes turn darker than dark. He firmly grabs my arm and drags me outside. My ankle hurts like hell and I flinch of the pain. When he stops, I look around me and see that I'm in some kind of cel, then I see something that drained all the blood out of my face, my eyes widen and my lips part.

It was Benji, chained op to the wall, full of bruises and wounds.

The words "What the hell." leave my mouth, it comes out as a shocked whisper.

Peter let's go of my arm, I wanna run but my ankle and Benji hold me from doing so.

"Benji? Benji are you ok?." I say full of shock and fear.

I see some movement and he slowly tilts his head up.
"Serafine? Serafine is that you?" He says slowly.

I open my mouth to say something but Peter interrupts me.

"Serafine, do you know what a whipping boy is?" He says darkly.

My body freezes, I want to say something but nothing comes out of my mouth.

"It's somebody who gets the punishment of someone else's mistakes, which are in this case your mistakes. And Benji is the whipping boy."

I am shocked.

"So, are you going to listen to me or are you going to let Benji here, suffer for your mistakes?"

I feel tears coming up in my eyes.

"You wouldn't- you can't-"

"Oh yes I can and I would."

With every step he walks to me, I step as many painful steps as possible backwards till I hit a wall.
He chuckles as he gets closer and closer to me.
Till he stands so close I can feel his body warmth.

"Now, let's see what you choose, if you choose to listen to me, then kiss me, and I mean a good kiss. Otherwise... you know."
I am perplexed, on my lips I taste the salty taste of my tears, which now roll down over my cheeks. I feel like someone just ripped my soul into a thousand pieces.

"So, what is it gonna be?" He asks me darkly.

I shake as I move my salty lips closer to his.
I close my eyes and try not to think about what I'm about to do.
Then I press my lips onto his.
He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.
After what feels like forever, Peter pulls away and he lays his forehead on mine.
My cheeks are all salty because of my tears.
"You're an amazing kisser, angel." He whispers.
He cups my tears and pulls me into a hug.

Congrats Peter Pan,
You found my weakness.

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