7: empty

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Serafine's POV
I hate him, I fucking fucking hate him.

I had a happy life, of course, I had my problems, I have been left out very much. Because I was "weird" and "too hyper". The struggle probably everyone with ADHD has.

But I was free, I could wear what I want, go almost everywhere I want, say what I want.

Of course, I had fights with my parents, but they always are there for me when I need them.
I miss them.

And of course, I had conflicts with friends, but in the end, we would figure it out and leave it behind.
I miss them too.

I have always been grateful for what I have, but now I don't know what I should be grateful for, that I'm not dead? 'Cause I wouldn't really care dying right now.

Freedom is all I ever wanted.

But now it's gone.

And I feel empty and grey.

Peter Pan's POV
She has been giving me the silent treatment for about 8 hours now and I am tired of it.
"Serafine please say something," I say desperately.
She slowly turns her head around and I gasp.
Her eyes are all poofy and look lifeless, they normally sparkle like a night sky full of stars but not now, now they look sad and empty. Her cheeks are red from her tears.

"Fuck you."

She says in a hoarse voice.

"Serafine, please, if you would've given me a chance I-"


"Serafine I love you-"

She takes a deep breath, obviously trying to calm down.
"Please Peter, I believe you love me, but this is also an obsession. I am sorry for you that I don't love you back, I understand that that must be awful but you cannot expect me to change my feelings only because you want to.
You probably had bad things happening to you in life that made you like this and I am really, really sorry for you, but you have to understand that I can't fill the hole in your heart, I think you deserve a happy ending, but that is not with me. You will only hurt me and if you hope for Stockholm syndrome to show up, ain't gonna happen. So please, move on from me.
So we can both find a happy ending.

The way she spoke- how she picked every word carefully and spoke them full of emotion.
I can't live without her.

"I am sorry Serafine, I love you way too much to let you go."

One little tear escaped her eye, I gently grab her chin and cup the tear. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She opens her eyes and looks me deep in the eyes, it feels like she can see right through my dark soul.

"Please Peter, you are obsessed. If you weren't you would already let me go, you wouldn't even have kidnapped me, I don't want to be here and I will never be happy here." She said softly with her eyes filled with tears.

I love her so much.
She will be happy here, she just needs to give in and get used to it, it's not that hard right?

"Trust me, you will. I love you." I say, pulling her in for a hug.
By the time I let go of her my chest is wet from her tears. I caress her cheek and look at her.
"I am sorry it has to be this way Sera, please just give in so you will stop hurting."
She just looked at me with a blank expression. "I will never stop hurting here." She said, almost whispering.

I had to show her the wonderful places of Neverland, maybe that would make her feel better.
"C'mon, I have a surprise for you," I say. She raises her eyebrow in suspense, damn, it looks cute. I gently grab her wrist and just as I wanna guide her outside, she flinches. "Oh yeah, forgot about that." I point at her ankle and heal it. She looks down at it with relief. "Why?" She asks in suspense. "You'll see," I answer amused.

As I bring her to the river I see her looking around, clearly looking for a way to get away from me. "Have you already forgotten about Benji?" I smirk. I can see her lips form a little "damn it" as she looks down and sighs. It looks so cute.

I place my hand around her waist and pull her closer to my side, I can see and feel her body tense. "Please don't touch me," She says, I decide to ignore it. One day she will understand.

I stroke my hand through her hair while we walk to the river. My other hand firmly holding her waist, feeling her tensed body.

Serafine's POV:

I hate his touch, it makes me feel uncomfortable as fuck. I would've punched him in his face if it wasn't for Benji.

We arrive at a beautiful river. "We're there," Peter says. I don't really understand what we are doing here.

"I thought that maybe if I showed you the beautiful places of Neverland, you would enjoy it here."
Dude, yes it's beautiful and if I wasn't in my situation I would've loved it but now all I care about is escaping him. "Thanks but no thanks," I say. I feel his grip on my waist getting stronger, it is starting to hurt. "I never asked." He says while grabbing my chin making me look at him. "Please let go of me," I say in pain. "Why would I?" He says smirking at me. "It hurts, " I say. I see his features soften for a moment and he softens his grip on my waist a bit.

"I'm sorry," He says as he kisses my forehead.

I shiver, he must've noticed it because he says: "There is no need to be afraid."

I am not afraid I am disgusted.

I need all my strength to not say that sentence right into his face.
"If you wanna say something, just spit it out." He says. "You'll hurt Benji" I answer.
"Then maybe I should already hurt him because you think of something that would make me hurt Benji," He says.

Dude what the hell

"You can't control my thoughts." I spit at him, he can't expect me to somehow change my opinion on everything, that's simply not possible.

"You can."

"I can't just change my opinions and what I think of someone."

"If you would give me a chance maybe you would."

"How? You kidnapped me, touched me, hit me, forced me to kiss you, threatened to hurt Benji if I wouldn't do what you say and took me away from my friends and family, they are probably worried sick, and I miss them like hell.

I am shaking with anger and tears fill my eyes, I am furious with him. He took everything away from me and expects me to give him a chance?

I look him in the eyes full of anger. But my courage soon washed away when he looked back at me, his eyes darkened but aside from angry, he also looked, calm... even amused.

"Your family and friends huh?" He asked, furious, but at the same time amused.

I felt the blood drain away from my face, I wanted to say something but nothing came out.

"Well maybe they would like to join you here." He said darkly.

A shiver goes down my spine and I shake my head a tiny bit, "please don't," I whisper.

"Why? you said you miss them, so I would do you a favour right?" He says firmly grabbing my chin.

Why did I have to be so dumb, I should've never mentioned them.

freedom is all I want (once upon a time fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora