12: lies

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Serafine's POV:


The spell had worked. They had summoned an eclipse. We were able to pass the barrier. We immediately ran up the stairs.

"Whatever Pan's telling you to do, don't do it."
Neal says.

"Dad. You're alive?"

Wait, they thought he was dead?

"I am, buddy. And I need you to listen to me. Pan is lying to you."

"Oh, a pleasure to see you, too, Baelfire. Not to mention the saviour."

Baelfire? Saviour? This is getting more confusing every second.

"And the evil queen. Even the dark one."

I- evil queen? Dark one? I need some bloody explanations.

"Henry, get away from him. Now. He's trying to hurt you." Emma says.

"No. The heart of the truest believer. It's what's gonna save magic. It's gonna save all of you."
Henry says. Shit. He believes what that asshole of a Pan says.

"No, it's not. This was never about magic, Henry. You have to believe us." Regina says.

"The only thing Pan's interested in saving is himself." Rumple adds.

"That's not true!" Henry says.
"'Course it isn't." Pan adds.

"Yes, it is." I say. Pan's head snaps in my direction. I suddenly feel awfully uncomfortable as the only thing covering my underwear right now is still Mary Margaret's long cardigan.

"Trust me, Henry. Pan's evil. He had killed and tortured people. Pan can't live without you dying. If you'll give him your heart, it's gonna kill you."

I can see a flash of hurt in Pan's eyes, but I don't give a flying fuck. His face soon turns into a furious glare, creeping the fuck out of me.
"Nice to see you too, sweetheart."
"Don't you dare calling me sweetheart." I say furious.

He turns to Henry and says: "they're trying to stem your belief, Henry. But don't let them. Remember, every hero gets tested."

"Henry." Emma says.
"I know what being a hero looks like, and this isn't it."

"Why would they lie?" Henry asks Pan.

"Because that's what adults do, Henry. You know that better than anyone."

"Henry, you have to believe us." Rumple says.

"Your parents don't care about Neverland, Henry." Pan says in an overly dramatic voice. "They know if you give your heart to save it, then you'll have to stay. And they're  being selfish because they don't wanna lose you."

Seriously. That's what he told him? How old is this kid? Ten? Eleven? You have to be truly evil to kill a kid like that.

"Henry you have to trust us." Emma says.

"Trust?!" Pan shouts, damn, dramatic much.
"I'm the only one who's ever been honest with you, Henry. The only one who ever believed in you. This is your choice. Not theirs. But you have to choose now, we're running out of time."

I disgust this dude in uncountable many ways.

"We believe in you, Henry." Neal says.
"Because we love you." Emma adds.
"More than anything." Regina adds.

Henry's mouth forms a small smile. "I love you, too."

I see everyone is relieved, but I feel like they shouldn't be.

"But I have to save magic, I'm sorry." He proofs my doubts.

He reaches out to put his heart in Pan's chest, panic consumes all of us except Henry and Peter.

"no no no NO NO!" all of us yell.

But Henry falls to the ground.

It's too late.

A strong, green, magic force coming from Pan makes us almost fall on the ground.


We all run to Henry, who lies lifeless on the ground.

"Oh, God! Is he unconscious?"
"Henry, can you hear us?"
"He passed out as soon as his heart went into Pan."
"Is he breathing?"
"Just hang in there buddy."

"What the hell did you do to him?"

"Oh, I didn't do anything, Emma." Pan answers. "It was Henry. He offered me his heart of his own free will."

"I will take it back!" Emma says, pulling out her sword. She points it at Peter.

"You can't hurt me." He answers. Then, Emma attacks him and scratches his arm.

"How did that feel?" She asks.
"Like a tickle." He answers.

"You are a gigantic asshole." I say angry.

Pan chuckles as he turns to me.
"Love you too darling." He says as he walks closer to me. Benji steps before me.

"Stay away from her, Pan."

"Oh, Benji, long time no see. Now let me pass or I'll have to hurt you."

"I swear if you hurt one more innocent person I'm gonna bloody kill you." I say angry.

"Sorry, darling." He says. Then he flings Benji against the wall with his magic.

"Benji, are you ok?!" I say, Neal and Rumple run his way, I also run to Benji but two strong arms grab me. One hand over my mouth and one arm over my waist.
"Let her go." Emma says as she runs in our direction. But Pan already flies us up.

He chuckles as I try to get out of his grip.
"Too late"

He flies us outside.

"What do you think about continuing our... special moment?" He asks, without wanting an answer.

I shiver as I get what he means. I try to tell him to not do it. But my voice sounds muffled because of his hand. "You think it's a great idea?" I can hear him smirk.

That asshole.

We land at a big tree, he uses his magic to create a king-sized bed in the tree.
"I'd rather do it in the treehouse, but we don't want your friends to find us now, do we?"

He moves his hand off of my mouth.

"Go to he-"

Before I can finish my sentence, his lips crush onto mine.

freedom is all I want (once upon a time fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now