“Hey Samantha, what’s up?”  Carly grumbled out.

“Jeez, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?  What’s with the sad tone kiddo?”  She asked, although Carly could hear the underlining amusement in her words.

“Liam’s just being an annoying ass as usual,” She answered, aiming a pillow at his still chuckling form.  “So what’s up?”  She repeated.

“Oh, the girls and I are really bored and we wanted to do something.  Do you and the guys maybe want to come out with us?”  Carly debated the proposal but turned it down.  She felt far too lazy to actually get up and put on decent clothes.  “Why don’t you come over to my house?  We’re watching a movie and I don’t think we’re going to be moving from our spot any time soon.  Dad is that alright with you?”  John – realizing that the question was directed at him – nodded mutely.  He couldn’t bring himself to decline his daughter from inviting her friends, mainly because it’s been since middle school that she had new friends. 

Carly relayed her address to her friends and fifteen minutes later they heard the doorbell ring.  She stood and made her way to the door, knowing that no one else would be bothered to do it.  She swung it open to be greeted with the three girls standing rather awkwardly on her doorstep.  It was understandable, it was the first time them coming to her house.  They had spent the beginning of their summer vacation going out or meeting up at others houses. 

“Hey, uh we brought candy,” Samantha shook the plastic bag in her hand.

“Cool, come on in,” She opened the door wider and shut it behind them.  She abandoned them in the hallway, as they took their shoes off, and went back into the living room.  They stood in the doorway of the room for a while before growing the balls of shuffling into the room and sitting beside Callum and Liam.  Carly didn’t notice Jasper had taken her phone for the five minutes it took for them to settle down, before moving it on the back rest, right next to her ear. 

“Oh cool you brought candy,” Liam praised as he opened the bag and took out a box of Twizzlers.  Dylan slapped his hand and caught the dropped box, “These are mine Liam.”

“You could have just told me that,” He grumbled, reaching into the bag again but this time clutching a Hershey’s bar instead.

“Hey guys, who would win in a fight Batman or Superman?”  Callum asked.

“Batman,” Samantha said at the same time that Dylan muttered Superman.

“Now you’ve done it,” Lillian moaned, as she leaned back against the coach, her butt positioned comfortably on a cushion.  Carly and Jasper ignored the argument that occurred below them and focused on the movie.  However, it soon became near impossible to hear the movie when their voices grew in tandem.   They did however here the song that blasted from Carly’s phone.  My milkshakes brings all the boys to the yard!  The fact that it was the rock and boy version made it easy to reach the ears of everyone in the room. 

Carly yelped and fell off of the couch as she desperately tried to move away from the loud music.  She clutched her right ear and stared up at her traitorous phone, standing and snatching it from its high and mighty position on the couch. 

“Hello?”  She may or may not have shouted the question into the phone. 

“Whoa, is this a bad time?  I can call back later-” Carly cut off Elliot’s words with a softer tone, “Its fine Elliot, what’s up?”

“Oh I’m really bored and I wanted to do something, do you want to go out somewhere?” He asked and she knew without being there that he was running his hand through his hair, making it stand on end. 

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