I scoffed. 

''Option three.'' I mumbled, crossing my arms. 

Joel frowned. ''What did you say? Huh?'' He hissed, stepping closer. 

''I said option three, Joel.'' I replied, Joel nodded. ''That's what I thought. I'll be back soon, keep the door shut.'' He ordered, putting on his backpack and taking out his gun. I nodded and watched him walk out the door caustoinsly and shut it silent, then he made his way to the left outside, I retreated to where Ellie was. I held the rag and held her cheek gently, I gently dabbed the wet rag on her bruises, She eyed my face. ''What's wrong? You look upset.'' She Wondered, I raised her head further up. ''It's Joel. Why is he such a tough guy? How did you even get through so much time with him?'' I blurted, I felt her chuckle. ''Joel...He has a rough past, that's what makes him such a rough guy I guess. He is really rough at first, but he shows his soft side when you spend more time together, that's what I experienced.'' She replied, I lowered her hand and dabbed the rag on a bruise on her chin, I needed to talk to her about what happened today.

''Ellie, Can we talk about what happened today? With you falling and all?'' I asked, I could feel her nod. I took the rag off her face and sat on the table next to her. She scratched her head. ''Today was...A close call. You and Hugo fighting...The rats. It was a lot. I just remember seeing the fear on your face and I leaned out the window to help you up, I- I don't know what I was thinking I guess. I just um...remember felling the floor crack under me...I had no time to think. I remember falling though and seeing your figure, I landed on something really hard, I cut myself a lot since I hit against things when I fell, glass. Pointy stuff. Lots of things dangerous. I- I just remember your screaming echoing in my ears, I just balcke dout after that...And I woke up and found Joel in front of me...Hugo right at his side. I thought you died...Joel just figured leaving you...and that's when we found you by the gate...I knew Hugo's face lit up the moment her saw you, I didn't show it, but I smiled too. And Joel was pretty happy you were alive, be sure of that.

''Amicia, what happened today was no body's fault. To be honest, I don't know how Hugo does it...He has the right to be upset. But it can be at the worst times, Amicia. We has gotta learn how to control his temper, I understand he can't yet. But he can try.'' Finished Ellie, I nodded slient. ''I wanted to say, Thank you for everything you did today...Getting me up over the window, keeping me calm...Thank you.'' I commented, She smiled. ''It's all good, Amicia. We're still alive, That's what matters.'' I smiled and agreed, I hugged her gently. 

''I am gonna go check on Hugo, If that's okay.'' She nodded, She got up with me. ''I'll come to.'' I nodded and helped her walk, I entered the room and found Hugo sleeping soundly, Ellie chuckled and limped closer, I followed. Hugo was facing the wall, I stared at Ellie who had a confused expression on her face. 

''What?'' I asked, Her eyes wide. 

''Amicia...What's on the back of Hugo's neck!?'' She blurted, I knew what she was talking about. 

I walked over and stared at his neck. 

The veins. They became worse, It looked like it made it to the half of his lower cheek, I stared at Ellie. ''I-I found out before we met you and Joel. He said he has really bad headaches or something, he gets really weak when it happens. I don't know what's going on with him, he said when he is near the rats he...Find something. I don't know what.'' Ellie bit her lip, she didn't answer. ''Amicia...I think there is something more to this, but whatever it is, we can't let Joel know.'' She quipped, I nodded and looked at Hugo's neck, She touched my shoulder. ''Come on. Let's leave him alone.'' She said to me, I nodded and followed Ellie out the door. 

I stared at Hugo, He slept quietly. 

What was going on?

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