Chapter 28: Couldn't Let You Go

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"How do you know that?" I quickly asked him without a second thought. I just needed the answer.

"Right now, I'm working with Chris Cortes on setting up the building that he's gonna gather with bunch of CEOs to work with. So, he hired me to plan out the shape of the building. Now I considered myself as the main architect because I had met him to discuss about this." He explained. Oh my God. James' dad is working with my ex-husband.

"But haven't answer the real question. How do you that she's pregnant?" James defended me. Oh yeah, he didn't exactly told me how he knew it.

"During a lunch break, I was sitting beside him. His face is full of concern, sadness... So I decided to ask him what's wrong. He answered that he just divorce with you but he regretted it. He really wants you back and also see his wife's baby bump grows as that's the only thing that makes him happy." Suddenly, a tear started rolling down my cheek. He missed me. I bit my lip to hold back my tears. But then, James' mom came to my side and comforted me. She brings me outside the apartment, leaving James and his dad.

"Just let it all out, sweetheart." She began. I hugged her and I cried all my tears that I've been holding on. She rubbed my back, giving me the comfort.

"He.. He.. Still misses me." I managed to say it. Mrs. Miller rested her chin on top of my head.

"I know, sweetie. I know... It's obvious." She answered me. I let go and looked at her. I wiped all my dry tears away and obviously my face looked disgusting.

"What are you gonna do now... Since you already know that he missed you." She asked me, putting both of her hands on my shoulder. I sighed and think for awhile. Suddenly, an idea formed in my brain. I smiled at her and gave her my answer.

"I'm gonna meet him." I answered, shocking Mrs. Miller.


"I'm gonna meet Chris!" I said it much more louder. Mrs. Miller gave me the 'are-you-serious" look. I just nodded vigorously. She just sighed and just go with my plan.

Suddenly, I saw the twins coming up the stairwell. I gave them an uncertain look. I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for them to climb up and answered me why are they here.

"Okay. We're here because we heard that you're sad and you need something or someone to cheer you up. So, we're here with your favourite coffee from Starbucks." Olivia explained. I just smiled and gladly took my cup of coffee.

"Who asked you to come?" I took a sip of my coffee. God, I missed Starbucks' coffee!

"James called me with a panicky voice. So we both came." Oliver answered. I just nodded and continued drinking my coffee, admiring the taste.

"So, why are you outside?" Olivia then asked. Before I could answered, Mrs. Miller already answered for me.

"She wanted to meet Chris. I'm bringing her right now but I can't drive a car for this period of time." She said guiltily. We, all, gave her the look which could forced people to answer us directly.

"I had a speeding fine for ten times... Or more." She replied us. We laughed and of course, Mrs. Miller's face started to turn red, embarrassed.

"Alright, alright. I'll drive, okay?" Oliver suggested. I just smiled and quickly went downstairs then into Oliver's sedan after he unlocked it.

I can't believe that I'm really going to meet him again.

-James' POV-

After seeing my mom trying to comfort Melissa, my heart started to hurt. I couldn't see her this way. I quickly took out my phone from my pocket and started calling Oliver. By the time both my mom and Melissa went out, Oliver answered.


"Dude, come by my apartment. Melissa... She's crying again." I convinced him. I hung up afterwards, doesn't care on his reply. I put my phone on top of the coffee table and sighed.

"You still loved her." My dad suddenly said. My dad really knows me well. I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, I still loved her. Because of me, she have to suffer. Because of me, she gets pregnant and married to that goddamn CEO. Because of me, she cried. Her life is full of agony, because of me! I failed to make her happy. Instead of making her happy, I make her cry. And it hurts me so much as her, suffering!" I blurted out. It's the fact. Because of me, she have to be in this perspective. I'm a fucking bad guy right now.

My dad just looked at me, waiting for me to calm down. How can I calm down when I still love my ex-girlfriend that doesn't want me anymore. I softly swore and looked down.

"James. You have to be patient. If she doesn't want you and wanted to be with Chris, then move on. There is much more girls that you may like." He advised me. I shook my head.

"No one is better than Melissa, dad. She's the best girl I've ever met. Yeah, I may bullied her during her freshmen year but we eventually get together because throughout that year, I see that she's different. And I love different girls unlike the cheerleading squad. All of them wanted to attract boys because they just wanted to get fucked." I explained to my dad on how bad I wanted her back. I just couldn't let her go.

"Okay then, son. Suit yourself. If you think you can fight for her, I'm just gonna say that I'm really proud of you because you don't give up. And I like that kind of son." He complimented me. I gave him a smirk to show that I'm gonna prove him that I will get Melissa... Maybe.

Suddenly, my dad's phone rang. He looked at the the caller ID and answered.

"Hello, sweet pea." That's obviously my mom calling him because since I was young, my dad always call my mom 'sweet pea'.

"What? Are you kidding? Not at all? Okay fine, I tell James about it." He hung up and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow.


"Melissa is going to meet Chris. Your mom and the twins are following her." My dad replied. I could feel my heart shattered into million pieces. She really doesn't want me, huh? I took a deep breath and without warning, I started to swore loudly which startled my dad.

Why? Why does she always choose him? Not me? I'm her first fucking love! And I really intend to be her last. God, why am I so fucking stupid for following Lucas' orders?! I kicked the chair, making it tumbled backwards. I then went into my room, slamming it afterwards and locked it. God, I can't believe this one girl can make me gone insane.

AYEEEEE IM BACK! Haha, sorry for the late update because I just came back from Indonesia and it was fun! So right now, I'm back to give you guys more chapters. The book gonna end soon and warning... IM NOT GOOD WITH HAPPY ENDINGS. I'm so sorry. Haha, anyways, vote and comment! Also, follow meeeeeee!



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