Chapter 17

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*not edited*

Liviana's pov


I felt my stomach drop and I couldn't breathe.
Fuck someone get me a fucking building to jump off of.

All the words the memories everything he ever did it all rushed back like a fucking Bullet.

You asked for it.
No one will ever love you.

He needs something why else would he come back.

Okay, liv calm down act natural.
How the fuck am I gonna do that my rapist is standing in front of me

I made my way down the stairs pinching the back of my thigh to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

News flash.

I wasn't.

I put a fake smile on my face" it's so n-nice to see you" at this point I was fucking scared.
Scratch that I'm fucking petrified.

What if he wants to do it again just for the fun of it.
Shut up.

Well shit.

My mind was raising with thousands of thoughts. I wanted to cry. Curl up and cry forever.

"Don- I mean Mr. miles would you like to go to the meeting room" fuck.fuck.fuck.

I think I'm gonna cry.

Where's a gun when you need it.

"That would be amazing miss. inferno" his voice sounded like a dying cat.

"F-follow me" I smiled even though I wanted to shoot myself.

I was always weak when it came to him . I feel like I can't breathe. I knew I had to tell someone about Donny being my rapist but I couldn't.
I'm so scared he's going to kill my family.

I can't risk it.

"Here we are" I broke out of my thoughts when we stood in front of the meeting room. He walked in first but as soon as I walked in he slammed the door with my body.

His face was inches away from mine and I could feel his breath on me.
I'm going to throw up.

"Tell me I make you scared," he asked against my cheek. I whimpered out of fear." ill take that as a yes" he chuckled.

He backed away from my body" I see that you fell in with the right crowd" he laughed like it was the funniest this in the world.

"Let's cut to the chase," he said after his laughter dyed down"I need money" he cleared his throat and leaned against the table"a lot of it".

"If I get you your money you are going to leave and you're never coming back" I pushed myself on the door.

"Hey! I. Call. The. Shots." he pushed himself off the table and walked over to me" I need 10 million dollars" he stated.

"I-I can't"

"you what!" he yelled getting in my face. He held a firm grip on my neck"you are going to get me 10 million dollars by the end of the week or" he thought for a second"ill kill your family" fuck.

But then it clicked.

I have all the power he has nothing I could get him tortured and killed if I wanted to.


"You got it"I grind my teeth

"Good, you have until next Friday" he smiled.

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