Chapter 18

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*not edited*


I lay here crushed by aries' heavy ass body.
God, what does he eat!.

I groan trying to wiggle my body from under him.

"Get off me you fat pig" I almost yell at him after my workout for the year.
I need to get in better shape.

"No" he mumbled into the crook of my neck.

"I can't breathe!" I huff.








I laugh "okay, off" he rolled off my body finally letting me take a deep breath.

"Good morning to you too anna" he rolled his beautiful grey eyes at me. I roll over and lay my head on his chest.

I look up at him "I want a puppy!" I smile at the thought.

He groaned "you're making this so hard anna"

I roll off the bed making my way to the bathroom.

I'm doing an awful lot of rolling this morning.

"You're going to say yes Eventually Luciano" I giggle.


Aries and I walk into the pet store together.

I told you he would crack.

With this face who wouldn't.

I run towards the puppy's smiling.

Damn my cheeks hurt.

The worker opens the change and I'm swarmed with small cute puppies.
But one particular puppy caught my eye.

It's a black little thing.

"That one" I pick the black little puppy up "I want this one"

"Okay, then that one we'll get" he smirks at God knows what this time.

"Is it a she or a he?" I ask the salesmen.

"It's a he ma'am"


I skip towards aries' car and slide in.

"What are you going to name him," he asked starting the car. I look up at him and one specific feature catches my eye.

Those piercing grey eyes.

"Grey" I whisper.

"Why" he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Your reminds me of your eyes" I look at the road and glance at him.

Oh my God is he- is he smiling.

"Your smiling!" I pick grey up and bring him up to my face "he's smiling" grey licks my nose I giggle.

"Thank you" I look at aries this focused on the road.

"Any time anna"

"So can I call you bear now" I smile.

"No" he grumbled.

"Why not" I whine.

"Anna" he warned.

"Please," I think that was his breaking point.

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