How dare you Mariella...taking my life away from me...the grip around her coffee mug tightened. She was too distracted for coffee now. She let the mug stay by the sink and looker for her phone.

Even the carpet was a mess, she could not even find it anywhere. She heard it buzzing though, it must still have been on vibration mode. It kept buzzing for another minute until she found it under the pillow on the couch.

18 missed calls from Iyan and 1 unread text.

She was glad to see Iyan finally get back to her, she was a bit mad at him though for reaching out to her so late. Before calling him, she opened the unread message. It was from Scott.

I'm sorry for everything...

Something stopped inside of her when she read that text from him. But, it did not make her feel anything, Scott could never be truly sorry for what he had done, she knew him better than anyone- he was a manipulative man and he could stoop to any level to get his means straight. His text invoked no other emotion than anger. Yes, she was angry, so angry at him. First you play around and when you're done with the game, you say sorry- and his game? Her life! He had been playing with her life and her emotions the whole time. He was probably doing the same thing now.

She exited the messages app and she realized she just could not think clear anymore.

Without really realizing, she had dialed Iyan's number and she waited for him to answer.

"Yvonne..." he said her name as if he had been relieved to see her call.

"Iyan, you were not here," she said sadly.

"Yes, but I'm in New York now, if you had not picked up, I was going to come see you right away," he said.

She did not answer, after a small pause, she said, "Can you come actually? I might be in need of a friend right now."

Iyan acknowledged how serious she sounded and replied, "I'll be there in half an hour and I'm bringing food so don't eat, okay?"

She could not even say anything but instead just said, "Yes..."

Iyan hung up and ordered his secretary to get the best Thai food in town, she loved Thai food, he recalled back from college days. In reality, he wanted to see her, strangely enough, he had been missing her. She was the only girl he had interacted with after Mariella and for obvious reasons but today, even he needed a friend.

Around an hour later, Yvonne's door bell rang again and Iyan stood there in casual clothes, just a tee shirt and shorts and shoes. He was also wearing the thin rimmed glasses, just like a pair he used to wear back in college. He had brought food too. Well what more could a guy to win a girl's heart?

"You look...weird," she noticed, taking the Thai food from his hands and inviting him to sit in the living room.

He grimaced at that, "You know girls would lie flat just to see a deity like me descend on earth...but I choose to bless your noble home today child!"

Yvonne couldn't hold her laughter in as she heard that, she realized it had been a long time since she had even stretched her cheeks that fully to smile at all. On the other hand, even Iyan was glad to hear her laugh, he wondered how long it had been since he had seen her laugh. Truth was he knew that even he was not able to give her as much time as he had previously thought with the whole Scott thing going around.

"Here," she said handing the bowl of Thai fried noodles to Iyan and placed one in front of her. Both sat on the couch.

"You're still a clown you know," Yvonne remarked, smiling to Iyan.

"Yes I know, God I'm hungry!" he said and they both attacked the noodles.

After they finished eating, Yvonne started the serious talk- she knew she could not avoid it forever.

"Scott had invited me on a date yesterday," she stated nervously to him, "To be honest, I don't know what he wants with me anymore, he did not take me on a fancy dinner or tried to seduce me to get me to sleep with him, that's what Scott does with every woman he has been with. But yesterday, almost like I saw something different in him...he said he didn't want me..."

Iyan's lips pressed in a thin as he listened quietly. He did not want to give any hint to Yvonne about the extent to which he had been poising his hatred against Scott.

"I know that you want me to avenge him and all but if he doesn't even want to be with me, I don't think I'll be suitable for your plan," she said thinking of who Scott really wanted- that slut Mariella...

"Forget about the plan Yvonne, what do you want?" Iyan asked her in a stringent tone. He was not playing around like Scott, about anything he said, that was a clear point.

It took Yvonne by surprise but she knew the answer to that question, thinking of Scott and his hurtful words that came to her mind again about wanting to be with someone else, she said,

"I want to ruin the life of Zachary Scott Anderson. I want to ruin him," she spit out.

A satisfying smirk formed on Iyan's face as he heard the emotion and the hatred in her voice.

"Then, keep this goal in your mind and go to him Yvonne. If he doesn't come to you, then you will go to him," he continued explaining to her, "Men are fools Yvonne, a woman can make a man do whatever he wants, women decide the boundaries, not men. You can make him do whatever you want, even fall for you again..."

Yvonne listened to him, but her mind was elsewhere, she wondered if she could wane the effect that Mariella must have had on him.

"Do you understand me?" Iyan brought her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, I'll try to do as you said," she said firmly. She did not know exactly how she would do that but all she had in mind was that she was not going to let Scott get away with taking her life away from her.

"Good, I'll leave now, it's not a good sign to be around your house if you will remain in contact with Scott after this." Iyan knew Scott had the eyes of a hawk.

"Hmm," Yvonne nodded thoughtfully to that and just as he got up to leave, she asked him, slightly unsure, "Can I call you if anything goes wrong, I mean, just in case?"

Iyan put a hand against her cheek in a reassuring way and said with a small smile, "You don't have to ask Yvonne, you never have to ask..."

Yvonne was not expecting that and so wasn't Iyan. He quickly took his hand off her cheek and added, "I should leave now," and opened her door.

Before leaving, he reassured her that he was going to be with her and he'd keep a regular check on her.

"Call me if you need to," he said before leaving.

As he sat on his driver's seat, Iyan's phone buzzed. It was a new mail on his official email address. Only employees in his company and clients had access to this mail.


I need to see you. I have the information you are looking for.


His ExWife (edited version)Where stories live. Discover now