"Do you want a bottle?" Might's hand took up his own spoon, digging into the corner of your cake closest to him. "I thought you didn't want any dessert." You lifted a brow.

"I've changed my mind." He said matter of factly. "Is that so?" You, unsurprised, watched as he enjoyed that corner he stole, nodding his reply. "It is, but you haven't answered my question."

"Oh, but there are so many of those I've left unanswered." You teased.

"Yes, that's why purple suits you so well, but this question is pressing."

"What question, Might?"

"Do you want a bottle?"

"You don't have to get me a bottle." You shook your head.

"But you enjoy the wine, yes?"

"I do."

"Then I'll get you one."

"Or," You clasped your hands together. "Or you could bring me back for another glass."

"I could, but maybe I want to keep you to myself." His head turned, eyes searching for someone in the wait staff. You took a glance around at the space between the two of you and the other patrons. "Is this not-" You motioned at the empty seating. "Not hardly enough." He finished, finally having caught the attention of a waiter. "You really don't have to." You continued."I want to." For a split second, his blue met your gaze. Your posture reclined, resting against the back of the seat while you watched the hero order.

"I've noticed something about you, sir." You spoke up as the waiter left, eyes on their back until they were out of sight. "What would that be?" Might turned to back to you. "You give to apologize." You cooed.

"I don-"

"You do." You sat forward, grinning.

"I'll need an example." He said. His tone in attempt to sound unbelieving, but just enough guilt slipped through to sound caught red handed.

"You just-!"

"Not the wine." Might quipped.  "That's a part of it but!" You started to recall. "You tried to pay for my delivery last night." You pointed as if it would validate your example. "Maybe I wanted to add to your order." He rebutted.

"You bought me lunch."

"You hadn't eaten, I was just looking out."

"Uh huh." Your expression turned smug. "I told you I was going home for lunch."

That was true. You stumbled through the door, bracing yourself against the wall as you yanked your shoes off. They were pinching the hell out of your toes and your lunch break is when you decided you were kicking them to the curb. Holding them both by the heels, you made a bee line for your room and then your closet. Going through your options, you chose a similar pair, but they were a world more comfortable then the ones you'd been suffering in.

You'd exited the hall, hearing a movement coming from the kitchen. Peeking around the corner you realized you weren't as alone as you thought you were. "I asked if you wanted me to bring you anything back. Something happen?"

Startled, the hero that was rummaging through the fridge stood straight, peering at you from around the door. "I, um, I changed my mind."

"Oh?" You walked in. "You could've called me, that'd 've been fine."

"I could've, but I thought this would've been better." He said, closing the refrigerator. "What's better?" You pressed.


Time in a Tree (All Might x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now