Alllllrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaaaaddddddddddyyyyyyy thhheeeerrreeee.

I hung up and with a big grin Natasha walks in the room and short after her Bruce too. He knows from the blood test that it's getting worse but I told he to keep it between the two of us.
While the chemo we were watching our new series EUReKA but my phone keeps buzzing. "Since when so famous that your phone can't stop buzzing?" She asks jokingly and I took out my phone.


Hey, do you may have time today to call me or text me back? I need to talk to you and just you.

Hey, sure what's up?
Hey please talk to me, I worried now.
Y/N, please?
I'm worried, what's up? Are you ok? Do I need to come? I can talk to Fury.

Missed call
Missed call
Missed call
Missed call

Hey sorry but Nat is next to me and I have chemo right now, can we just text?

Oh my god, you are alive. I was just seconds away to start panic panicking. Yeah sure, what's up?

Ok so, I may or may not start to get tired like really really tired again and I don't know if I'm gonna make it this time but I have to tell it to Natasha because it wouldn't be fair if not but how do you tell you girlfriend that you may not make it?

Ok first of all, cool down and take a deep breath. How long did you kept this now to yourself? Does Bruce know? And to the thing about Nat, just tell her, I don't think that there is a right and wrong way to tell her. But you're right you have to tell her.

"What's so interesting?" My girlfriend asks and leans over to look on the display but I turned it of the second she starts. "Honey?" She ask me worried. "I'm sorry, that was a reflex, I didn't want to. Now you think that I have secrets and no matter what I'll say next you won't believe me." I start panicking, not really because of that but it was that first thing that came up and it's not sooo untrue. "Hey, hey, slow breaths, don't overthink, I am here and I love you, no matter what." I hug her tighy. "I love-"
"What happened? Is everything alright?" Bruce run into the room and saw our confused faces. "The monitor, the alarm, hell I should do more cardio. Her heart beat was too fast." Nat and me just look back at each other and start to laugh.

After the chemo I went back to the room and lay down while Nat is in the gym.


Sorry for answering so late but Nat got suspicious. For a few weeks now but it just got worse so I thought I should finally open my mouth. Bruce knows because of my blood test but not that I'm getting tired again. I pushed it always away like if I don't say it out loud then I don't have it. And to Natasha, I'll try to do it tomorrow or so, I guess.

I lay my phone back on my nightstand and fell asleep.

Natasha pov:

Something is up with her today, fist she stayed in the room a bit longer and then the thing with her phone. I guess I'll ask her today or tomorrow.
I slowly open the door because I had the feeling that she could be asleep and she was. Chemo kicks her damn hard every time , she is sleepy again more then before which she trys to cover up but I'm a spy, remember and she got nauseous and loose the ability to taste so I always have to force her to eat something.
I went in the bath and took a quick shower. When I came out again she was still asleep but her phone didn't stop buzzing so I walk over to put it on mute. Without wanting, one of the messages make me curious so I start to read it.

Y/N, I hope you fell asleep and so you don't just ignore me.
Honey, you have to tell her, she deserves to know, imagine it would be the other way around and she would be sick, you would want her to tell you, so do it and do it now not just tomorrow or some other day. I know you want that nothings change and that she don't have to worry so much and that's cute but tell her and be honest with her.
Text me when you did it :)

I put the phone back down and sit down next to her. So it's true, she's getting worse. "Hey honey." She whispers and slides a bit away from me so I can lay down with her. "Hey love, how are you?" I smile to her and could feel how her hands start to wander on my body. "As I can feel, good?" "Extremely good." She answers and opens the towel I had around. "Honey, I love the idea but you need to rest." I smile at her but she just kept going and we start to kiss very passionate. She knows exactly what to do to get me needy so she did it till I beg for her touch where I needed her the most but she turns away with the words "I have the order to rest, sorry darling." That was it, I turn her back and we end up doing it.

*the next morning

I didn't know why I didn't woke up but when I did she was passed out over the toilet. "Oh god, honey. Y/N, hey, answer me, wobble your fingers if you hear me." And thank god she did. "You're ok?" She slowly nods so I pick her up and help her get her cleaned up in the shower, brush her tooth and lead her back to the bed.
She fell back asleep and I go down to make us her favorite smoothie and cut some fruits, put the on a plate and go back up but I could feel someone is staring at me so I turn around. "Clint what's up? Why are you staring at me?" "I did? Sorry that wasn't my attention, I was lost in my thoughts." I hum a yes as an answer and go back up.
"Honey, love wake up, I got us breakfast." But she just turn away. "Honey please, it's your favorite smoothie." She made herself small and tries to hide in the covers so I put the breakfast on the table and lay down with her. Immediately she turns back to me to snuggle up so I take the chance and sit her up in my lap and stabilize her with my arms. "Babe we have to talk." I whisper in her ear and I could feel her whole body tense up. "Oh no, how often do I have to tell you this, just because I say we have to talk doesn't mean I'm gonna leave you. Babe I could never leave you, you're my everything." She relax again and I turn her face to me. "Babe I know it's getting worse even if you try to hide it from me but you have to tell me something like that. I know you don't like change but you know that I won't change anything because of it, I'll just keep an eye more on you and the others if they are sick. I love you and now eat." She snuggles up against me and whispers "I love you too my little spy."

So I let it again open so if someone is interested or if I want to, I can write a part 3

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