"Do you feel any kind of pain in your body?", he asked. Doesn't he know , I can't speak.

"Oh right. Give her a note pad.", he told one of the nurses.

She gave me a notepad. I held the pen in my hand, my hands were shaking. It felt like it has been ages, since I held a pen. But neverthless, I managed to write.


"Don't worry, it will go in a while. Well you were unconsious for four months, so its natural. You just need to rest for few days and then you will be alright.", he said.

Four months? That's long. I didn't expect. I nodded my head and then they went out leaving me alone.

Why did he save me? Didn't he want to kill me? Then, why? I just made the task easier for him. Didn't he despised me? Was I not a burden on him? Why? Why are you so confusing AJ? Why are you so twisted? Why can't I understand you?

My thoughts were interrupted by AJ barging in my room. He rushed towards me.

What he did, shook me. He hugged me tightly. I was frozen. I could feel something wet on my shoulders.

"Why?Why did you do this baby? Why did you try to leave me? I am Sorry. I know I mistreated you. I was blinded by my retribution. Please don't do it again. Please don't leave me, princess.", he said sobbing.

Why? Why is he so twisted? Why is he regretting now? No, it isn't his fault for taking his retribution. Because anyone would do the same. But I can't forgive him for degrading me as a woman. And he is not my Aldric. He is AJ, who is a monster.

I pushed him away. He was shocked. His eyes were red with tears.

"What happe-ned?", he asked. I glared at him. He took my hands in his palm. I jerked them away.

"Baby", he said.

Wow, now he babying me.

"I am sorry. Forgive me, please.", he said.

I could have forgiven you for anything, but not after degrading me. Like seriously, I would have accepted anything from this monster. I would have forgiven him, but not after so down regarding me.

I glared at him. He was looking at me with those brown orbs, which I would have fallen for anytime, but not this time. Furthermore he is AJ, not Aldric.

He spread his arm to hug me again, but I stop his action by raising my hand in a stop sign.

I took the notepad from the side table and wrote.

"AJ enough. Stop with your drama and don't baby me. I am not gonna forgive you . I would have accepted anything. I would have forgiven everything. But not after you slut shamed me. As if, I am some stripper, you got out from your clubs. "

I showed him what I wrote.

"Please give me one more chance, I would correct everything, please", he said crying, joining both of his hands.

I took the diary from him.

"You are AJ. It doesn't suit you to beg infront of a slut like me."

"Don't say like that. You are not a slut. I just wanted you to hate me that time. I wanted to distance myself from you, because you were making me weak. But I realised now, that I will be more weak, if you are not there. You are not my weakness. I was confused. I didn't know what to do? It was not easy for me to forgive you . Sometimes I thought I am not good enough for you, I will only hurt you. But now no more. You are the mere reason of my survival . You are the only one, who makes me feel me alive. Even in the last seven years, you were far from me, but still you were here with me as my retribution, as my goal. The goal which encouraged me to live in these . Yes, I hated you. I hated you, for what you did. But I never knew you also, You also suffered. You suffered more than anyone in this mess. And somewhere, I know that I am responsible for it. If only I knew before? If only I would have seen the pain behind your smile?", he said.

All I did was stare in his eyes. I could see pain, regret, guilt and love. Love for me. The thing I was dieing to see, since I met him. Unknowingly tears filled my eyes also.

He lifted his hands and wiped my tears.

"No more tears in these beautiful eyes now", he said.

He kept his hands on my cheeks. Tears were uncontrollably falling from my eyes.

"I know I hurted you. And I hate myself for what I did. But please forgive me . Forgive your Aldric, for what he did.", he said leaning towards my face.

I removed his hands from my face and wrote.

"You are not Aldric. You are AJ. Aldric is dead for me. I killed him. You are only a monster in the body of Aldric."

"Don't say like that. I am still your Aldric. Your love.",he said.

I shook my head. I was staring at him with a cold expression, with eyes filled with tears.

"I will prove it to you then. That, I am still your Aldric. I will earn your forgiveness. I won't force you to forgive me. I will make you love me again. Because I know you me miss me like I miss you.", he said and got up.

"But first you need to get better. You have to rest", he said and made me lie down on the bed.

He locked the balcony door and kept the key in his pocket. Does he think I will jump again? Whatever.

"Sleep well. And remember, you are only and only mine. Call it obsession or call it selfishness? I will never let you go. You are destined with me and even fate can't separate us.", he said and went out.


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