Chapter 7

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"Y/N how could you?" Se Yeon ask. "What do you mean?" Confused to why he's asking me this question. "You could've stopped me, but you didn't" ringing in my ears. "You don't love me" he yells. The screams echo. I hear a faint noise. It all goes dark.

I wake up to Seojun shaking me awake. The tears in my eyes. "Y/N, you had a nightmare and you were crying out in your sleep," he hugs me tight. "I-I could've stopped him, maybe I didn't really love him enough," I cry. All the thoughts in my head piling in. "What if he's right and I don't love him?" I sob. "You loved him Y/N, and he loved you so much." Seojun says. "What he did wasn't your fault." He holds me close. "You aren't to blame for his death." He continues saying soothing words to calm me down. Seojun holds me and whispers soothing calming words to try and calm me down.

'I love you Y/N'

I heard a faint voice say in the back of my head. I fall asleep once more smiling knowing that I knew whose voice it was letting me drift off into a deep sleep.

Han Seojun's POV
I watch Y/N as she's drifting off back to sleep from a nightmare. I told her I loved her. I hope she didn't hear. I really do love her. She's been there for me. We've both been grieving in silence. She's been blaming herself for everything. I blamed Suho and still blame him. When I shouldn't. I wish there was a way to turn back time and stop everything from happening. We were all happy. Y/N was smiling all the time around him. He loved her. He wouldn't want her to be like this. He would want Suho and I to take care of her. I hold her tightly and kiss her on her forehead. And I begin to drift off to sleep with her in my arms.

Morning of the next day...

I start to stir around in my sleep feeling something wrapped around me tight. I open my eyes to a sleepy Seojun wrapped around me tightly. I smile at his sleeping figure. I start to play with his hair. I look at him while playing with his hair. I feel him move me closer to him. "I wanna protect you," he murmurs under his breath. I smile. Thinking how I got someone to care for me just as much as Se Yeon did. He understood my pain and brokenness. He's my rock. I watch him a little longer until, I see him flutter his eyes open. He sees me. He smiles sleepily. "What a sight to wake up to huh?" I smile a bit. "Oh, stop you're just being nice" I say.

"No, seriously I'd want to wake up next to you everyday" he says while caressing my cheek. "I don't want to leave" I say. "Well, how about we get you discharged and I'll sleepover at yours anytime you want?" He suggests. My eyes light up and I smile. "You know I'm not going to keep you from being at home" I say. "You are my home Y/N" he says.

Several Hours later...

I was finally discharged. Seojun never left my side. Arriving home I was tempted to ask him to stay but I didn't want to keep him from his mom and sister. "Want me to stay over?" Knowing he'd ask this. I tried to decline, but he kept insisting on caring for my needs since my parents are never usually home. Funny right? Their daughter ends up in the hospital, but no one really to rely on. Seeming like I'm neglected by my own parents when they're the ones who are always working. Seojun ended up following me inside my house.

I gave up and told him he has to return home tomorrow or at least go home for a few more hours. "Are you hungry Y/N?" He asks while making his way towards the kitchen. I follow him and see him looking through the fridge. "I'm not that hungry right now." He closes the fridge and turns to me. He gives me an 'Are you kidding me?' look. He opens the fridge back up and starts to pull out ingredients.

"Go sit down, I'll make you something," he says while rummaging through the pots and pans. I walk into the living room to sit down. I decided to take a short nap while he's doing his thing. I drift off into a short slumber.
I finally released a chapter. So sorry it took so long! I've been having writers block lately and couldn't finish this story. But more chapters will be coming soon!!

Aftermath (Se-yeon x reader x Seo-Jun)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin