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Se-Yeon's POV
  All the comments online just fill my head. I can no longer take it any more. Looking at the photos of us all happy. Remembering the good times. I get the urge to dial her number to hear her voice one last time. Hitting the buttons shakily the phone rings. "Se-Yeon?" I smile at the sound of my name coming through the phone. "Hey, I want to tell you how much I love and appreciate you so much.
  You make me so happy" I finish. "Are you okay?" I hear her concerned voice. "Yes, I just love you, okay?" A tear streams down my face knowing I'll hurt her the most. "I love you too!" She says.
  "I love you, I got to go. I love you so much" I hang up before I begin to cry. I sob out. Climbing up onto the ledge knowing my fate is at the bottom. And I jump. Knowing maybe just maybe there will be peace and everything will stop.

Aftermath (Se-yeon x reader x Seo-Jun)Where stories live. Discover now