Chapter 6

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"I worry because I care Y/N," Seo-Jun says. Knowing that he cares means the world to me. I can't betray the one I've loved over years of time. I still blame myself for everything. For not being there for him. I let my guard down.

Author's POV
While Y/N is lost in thought, Seo-Jun looks at her trying to read her thoughts. He wonders what is going on inside her head.

(Sorry for so many POV switching)

I can't seem to blame anyone, but myself. "Y/N?" I get pulled out of my thoughts. I look up still seeing Seo-Jun there staring at me. "His passing wasn't your fault Y/N," he calmingly states. I don't believe a word he says. I give a small smile. "Seo-Jun, it's okay. I never thought it was," I lie. He sees through my lie. "Quit lying to yourself Y/N, I know you blame yourself for everything," his words are genuine. "Why don't you stop blaming Su-ho?"
  I see the look he gives me when I ask that. "I blame him because Se-yeon called him that day," he pauses a moment. "Seo-Jun, he called me that day too. You should be mad at me instead of him," I swallow trying not to cry.
  Silence fills the room. Nothing else to be said. "I blame myself because I could've saved him Seo-Jun," a tear escapes my eye as I can't control my feeling anymore. "He was my everything. My whole world Seo-Jun. It is my fault for not knowing his last good bye meant he was leaving me for good," I pull my knees to my chest. "Y/N, you didn't know that he was going to do that," he puts his hand on my back rubbing it. "It's my fault for not checking up on him. It's my fault for not realizing what he really went through," I continue with words that are blaming myself.

Author's POV
No one knew Su-ho was outside the door listening to the broken hearted girl blaming herself. When he too blames himself for his death. The day his father slept with and unknown women. The day he left his phone on the floor not know his best friend would be calling that day. A tear escapes Su-ho's eye. The one girl who can save him from it all helped with his healing. Joo-Kyeung. He knew how much the fragile girl was hurting.

Su-ho's POV
Watching the girl break in front of me hurt the most. The times that she and him spent together were endless. They were inseparable from the start. I envied them. I began to like her. For only Se-yeons sake I kept it to myself. The love I have for her is endless. I hurt when she disappeared. I searched for her. I couldn't find her. I blamed Su-ho because I thought he could've saved him. He said "Su-hi would understand" I don't blame her for his death. He loved her unconditionally.
  He believed what he said. I was too blind to realize I was blaming myself. I stopped doing the things I love because I don't deserve to be happy too. Y/N deserves nothing but happiness. She's hurting the most. She lost the love of her life. The times they've talked about getting married in the future. Having a life together. She lost her only love. The only person she had was him. She had nobody. Her parents died long ago. She had no other family.
  I don't pity her. I respect and cherish her. "Y/N, no one is to blame for his choices. He loved you so much Y/N," I manage to say. She looks at me. I get lost into her eyes. "He left us here Se-Jun, he left me alone," hearing those words breaks me inside. "Y/N, he's watching over you as a guardian angel now. He wants you to be happy. He wants you to keep living life." I hug her. She sobs. It's breaking me knowing she's been hurting for so long.
  "I'll promise you one thing. I'll stop blaming Su-ho and I won't leave your side ever," promises I could keep. Su-ho would be hard. I know he blames himself too. "I need you to promise me something Y/N, I need you to promise me that you'll get better and to come to me when you need me," She let's go. She looks at me and whispers "I promise"

Y/No's POV
  "I promise," I whisper. I can't let him see me like this anymore. I don't want him to worry about me. I have to to get better. We all have to get better. I get sleepy and lay down on the bed. I pat the spot next to me for him to come over. He hold me in his arms and I drift off to dreamland.

Aftermath (Se-yeon x reader x Seo-Jun)Where stories live. Discover now